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Full Version: Dave Scadden Outlaw Escape for sale
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Dave Scadden Outlaw Escape, $575. I'm in SoCal, looking for someone local who wants a great boat and wants to save $125 off the retail price.


[cool][#0000ff]Are you upgrading or downgrading?[/#0000ff]
Definitely not downgrading. I love these boats!
[cool][#0000ff]Just wondered if you were abandoning the tubing world. Not?[/#0000ff]
I think she wants to move up to the Renegade like I have. Specially for them CA waters eh.

TD one of these days, I would really like "YOU" to test drive the Ren and hear what you think.
Hi Pat,

I'm not a big fan of float tubes. Gotta have my oars at a minimum.

[cool][#0000ff]I have no doubt that I would appreciate the craft. But, as I have expressed before, we have more or less settled for the tubes we have because we can load two of them and all our gear in our Blazer and still have room left over. Size and weight are big considerations.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]There have been plenty of times I have lusted for a bigger craft with more room and more floatation. But I do not want to get into having to trailer our gear. I hate trailers. [/#0000ff]
I get that, but remember our first meeting at the W. I was in my Zuki and no trailer.
Very small car....and 28 lbs. I was hauling a deck, motor and battery too, just didn't use them.
Just sayin', but you have got your down to a science.
[cool][#0000ff]It's all part of what most of us experienced folks pass on to newbies and looky-lous. There are lots of things to factor in before settling on a ride. Not the least is what are you using for transportation. If you have a big probby. If you have a compact city car you better settle for something you can fold up small.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]You have a pretty good system going too. And as we have agreed before, it is all about personal fishing styles and preferences. Decide what you wanna do and then build your system around it.[/#0000ff]
Well if we can turn you into a scadden lover there are plenty of us that would allow you a test drive. My scadden actually sits partially inflated in the back of my sante fe. It folds down into a duffel bag that holds all my gear you would have no problem putting 2 of them in the back of your blazer. I have also put some backpack straps on and hiked it 2 1/2 miles as well. Not ideal but it can be done in a pinch. I use a FC3 I roll up in an internal frame backpack for my High country backpacking tubes. IMHO the best of both worlds!
[cool][#0000ff]Appreciate the kindly offer but it is likely to be some time before we will be in the market for replacement craft. We have a lot invested in time and money in our current rigs...and are not blessed with unlimited financial resources. We have taken some hits this past couple of years. Thanks Obama.[/#0000ff]
try my red one.... life is so much better with a gas motor that goes along with your fins
[cool][#0000ff]You gots a nice rig but if I wanted a gas motor I would go back to boats. No thanks.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]To me, fishing ain't always about speed and distance. Been there done that...and done with it.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Nah. I'll just putter around in my tube until I can't hack it any more. Then I'll put on my Viking helmet, pour some suitable liquid inside and outside, then strike a match and drift off flaming into the sunset.[/#0000ff]
Any special reason for the Viking helmet ? [Smile]

[cool][#0000ff]Just being silly.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Viking funerals are legendary for having the dead being burned on their ships. [/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Who ever heard of a Viking float tuber?[/#0000ff]
aaaaaaaaahhh. I seeeeeeeeee.
Makes sense now.[Wink]

For me, I guess speed and distance matter...not necessarily gas motor speed, although I have seen the plus in that. For one, a gas motor weighs way less than a battery and an electric, and you can go the distance which is nice at times.
But again, both do matter to me, that is why I prefer Oars over fins and any kind of motor is a bonus. I have had days where I cover major water as I am sure everyone has, and lets be honest, that motor gets us to longer distances and gets us to the honey hole faster[cool]
Just to get my 2c in.......
....After couple of years in a float tube and couple of
years using toon with oars I can say one thing- oars
and GREAT.
Oars and fins are even better. Oars and fins with
some kinda motor must be just fantastic.
There is a place and time to use ANY of those. It is
very nice to have a choice of propulsion and yes it
is a personal choice.
Toon with full gas motor-may as well just get a bass boat.
But once again-personal choice.[Wink]

Hmmm Bass boat....thousands of dollars, have to use a boat launch, uses a lot more gas, weighs a lot more

Pontoon boat...can haul the whole thing in the back of a truck...Motor $1,000. boat $1,7000. (or whatever) but already have the boat. And, One tank of gas lasts the whole summer. And again, motor weighs less than Electric and Battery. Plus don't need electricity to charge that electric motor[Wink]

X5 - 65 lbs 5 hp Nissan 52 lbs, gas tank 3 lbs need I say more[cool][cool][cool]

[Image: IMG_0952-1.jpg]

Granted, Zach's boat is 1' 6" longer so it weighs a little more, but his motor is a 4 hp so it evens out.[laugh][laugh][laugh][laugh]
fishin_gal and i can carry mine quiet a ways. we did it this past weekend at pine view up and down the steep banks aways fromn the parking area. easily do-able