I hate the cheapo, foreign made snelled-hook holder I have from 20 years ago. Anybody make one that's easy to use and doesn't have those vexatious triangle-shaped holes? Don't have the patience I used to.
You can always try a holder for worm harnesses or snell holder. They will work with snelled hooks too. This is the bass pro one and they work great.
[url "http://recs.richrelevance.com/rrserver/click?a=3681fd26e8c48c2a&vg=3b21e5f9-268d-4f66-c9c3-3a4c498dbb38&pti=2&pa=content&hpi=634&stn=PopularProductsInCategory&rti=2&u=&uguid=343ee5f9-268d-4f66-c9c3-3a4c498dbb38&s=BC02777-FABF-2DBE-D78D-D9F93EF17E92&pg=164&p=16624&ct=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.basspro.com%2FTackle-Buddy-Snell-Holder%2Fproduct%2F16624%2F-644892%3FcmCat%3DCROSSSELL_THUMBNAIL"]
Its called the tackle buddy snell holder.
for the do-it your-selfers...
cut a peice of half inch rectangular insulation styrofoam or an old cooler to a size that will fit in your box.
place your hook in the end, rap your leader line around the foam board, and where your loop ends use a headed brad nail or thumb tack to hold it in place.
us walleye hunters are noted for using this home made rig over any other because it is fast, non tangle, cheep, and if by some chance it blows out of the boat you can scoop it back up with a net.