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Full Version: Can anyone tell me what fish this is!?
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It has a big mouth like a largemouth bass
Looks like a Bluegill to me. A BIG one. Nice catch. I see what you're saying about the mouth, and it does look a little slender compared to the ones I've caught before.
perhaps they change slightly as they grow bigger.
That is a Green Sunfish! I love those things, in fact they are my favorite to catch. Bluegill have a smaller mouth and there is no way that is a bass. Even the green/turquoise specks are a dead give away. Nice work.
It's a sunfish, it looks like a redear. Does that black circle on it have a red line behind it? If so, it's a redear.
[url ""]Green Sunfish link[/url]

click on this link and decide for your self.

how ever, if the eye is red, then it is a redeye/rockbass, or a highbred of a gill and a redeye.

my money is on green sunfish.
I think you guys are in the money with the green sunfish
im gunna have to agree with green sunfish
looks like a sunfish to me!
it might be a warmouth. they have really bigg mouths
hmm,I think the blue lines near the head give it away,green sunfish?Hey on that lure,I can give you a Paulpro tip,add a ring to the eye, it could be a round ring ,but you should get an oval ring,this way the line stays put at one end using the oval ring,or tie a rapalla knot directly to the eye of lure,with this knot you will not need to add a ring,this knot has a loop so the lure has better action,you can adjust the way it swims by bending the eye left or right ..Keep those lines tight Paulpro..
That is what we always called a log perch in Tennessee. Some may refer to it as a warmouth as well. I have one in my aquarium and it is the coolest fish ever. Like a dog it will swim crazily at the surface when I approach the aquarium because it knows that I am going to feed him. These guys are great eating and fun to catch as you obviously know. Check out my site for some more fishing information.

I am going to say it is a warmouth. If it was caught in western Idaho in the Snake River it is probably a warmouth. If it was a green sunfish, it would likely be a new state record. It is NOT a bluegill. The black flap on the gill cover is outlined in a lighter color and bluegill have a solid colored flap. I wish it was a redeared sunfish known as a "shell cracker" in the southern U.S. I have tried talking the Idaho Dept of Fish and Game into stalking them into Idaho, but they haven't cooperated.

them red ears are a lot of fun, and taisty too, we got em in michigan.