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Well i got to spend this last weekend on a little pleasure trip on a nice house boat on lake powell. we didnt get all that much fishing in i didnt grab my pole or my tackle bag because i figgured that it might be in the way and i didnt know that some of the others were going o be fishing (that was a big mistake if i had taken my equiptment i could have caulght some more fish) but all told for parking the house boat in one spot for the two nights it was ok fishing. first off the little blue gill would come right up to the boat and start to eat what every body was chuming them with so we tossed a line and started catching them first on a little bit of crackers then on some pretsils and then as it got darker we knoticed that the cats were moving in all that was avaibable in the tackle bag was golden zekes floating bait but when we got some weight on it and took it to the 5' bottom we caulght three channel cats about 3lbs each, some of the boys immedatly fileted them up and we bbq'd them and had some fresh cat filets with dinner. the next day i started to fish for the little gills and had some early succes with cheerios and bread. i didnt try any zekes for the cats that night because i was fishing with a borrowed pole (the owner of the pole told me he wanted a fish so i used it to catch him one) and i didnt want to dig through someone elses tackle bag. bit i also caught them on bacon, sasauge, bread, cheerios, and some steak fat that night. i thought that if i could get some of the steak down to the cats i might catch some but i had no such luck. the last morning i rigged up two poles for some of the girls to use they hadnt fished all that much so i tied the hook on and baited them and then i removed the fish they both caulght 2 gills apeace and one of them caulght a nice carp that put up a good fight for her (i think she enjoyed bringing such a fighter in). that was about all the luck i had but i know that i would have done better if i could have put the bait that the fish seemed to like better on a hook but it is kinda hard to put beer on a fish hook.