Fishing Forum

Full Version: cuonthelake, Chickamauga, Crappies, 7/20/11, TWK (BRAT)
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On the water before day break and catching crappie, good thing I brought the camera with a flash! Caught some great size crappies, all very shy of that 14' mark though emoHoppingmad Your welcome Kid (I had to clean the ruler)<br />I would like to think I have become a good influence on The Brat, I tried to tell him that alot of those fish are deep and not on these docks he swears to me he catches them. DK, can you please give him a few lessons emoTeacher about Delta fishing or loan him that book? I am also beginning to think those 100 day count crappies are because Jimbow or David is along emoScratch emoBigSmile Just sayin, I call it like I see it.<br />We did manage a dock that was hot hot for about 30 minutes and got the clicker going! That was maybe a preview of what a real spring and fall crappie producing dock will do I hear tell! We ended the day with 38 keepers, one throw back that we feed to Fred the Heron in exchange for a feather!emoSmile Thanks Fred! <br />And to the Brat, It MADE my day to make you think you had a 3lb crappie hit your line while your back was turned and watch you jump like you where on a pogo stick......PRICELESS!!!! (Jimbow that ones for the team!)<br />TWK, thanks for lifting my probation and letting me spy once again on you, sorry you broke your rod, but thanks for only emoBadLanguage a little bit, I know it killed you to hold your Tongue emoApplause ...One other thing, I'll believe those 100 fish post when we hit those numbers and so will everyone else emoBigSmile <br />Kendal, thanks for letting me borrow your Little Debbie hat!