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Full Version: Bad Day at Mantua 7-24
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Mantua - We hit the water by 3pm and we invited a tuber from the parking lot to hit our hole with us. Well we didn't do so well. I caught 5 bluegills and my twin caught 7 bluegills and a LMB at 12 inches long and fat. The other tuber got 2 bluegills but he was still on the water when we abrubtly left at 6pm.
I had to leave and come back because both of my reels broke (1 spring and the other's handle broke). That was the least of our gear woe's! Suddenly my twin called out to me and said his left toon was deflating fast! I followed him in to make sure he made it back safely and he did. We still haven't identified the leak though. We then headed to Willard with a stop at Flying J for pizzza and beer (since you cannot have beer on mantua waters). Well we found out the hard way they don't sell beer on a sunday (ugh mormans)! That was the last straw for us and we headed home without a visit to Willard.
We were using a size #6 baithook with a worm under a bobber with a split shot weight. There could be several reasons for the slow down.
1) We know that around 150 bluegill have come out of that hole in the past 2 weeks just from us. Considering the proximity of this hole to the launch we are not the only one's fishing it too.
2) Conditions changed!
3) My personal favorite. We noticed a few extra tail slaps from the LMB's and in our experience LMB's always shut off the bluegill bites. Maybe the LMB's are not as dumb and won't fall for the worm and bobber anymore.
My twin and his 12 inch Largemouth Bass.
[Image: 731845.JPG]
Must have been your spot or the time of day. My buddy called me last night and asked where he could find some blue gill close to his house. based on your reports I told him mantua, and to fish the deeper weedline with a worm and a bobber. His party filled a five gallon bucket in very short order, With only a few dink throw backs. They showed up after you went on your pizza run though. Thanks for all of your info.
Usually we do pretty well no matter what time of day.

Yeah we were going to find another hole to fish (and return to the 1st hole later) but my twin's toon had to deflate. I am sure there were other spots to hit around there that would have been good as well. I really doubt the spawn is over.

My twin told me I could go back out on the water and he would stick to the shore but after all the gear woes I was done for the day. Luckily his toon failed him where we were and not further out towards the "knoll" area. Man that would have been a long walk.

I am sure your buddies have a few mosquito bites to prove they were there.[Wink]

Those weeds are getting way out of hand. Now they are 2 inches below the surface and there are lots of places they have surfaced entirely.
Yeah, curse those MormAns. How dare they be illegally driven out of the United States of America (a land based on religious freedom) because of their religious tenets, wander west into unknown lands, establish their own community in what was then a territory of Mexico, create their own laws for the ousted to abide by... and then make YOU suffer for it!

And, of all the umbridge: to think that on Pioneer Day - the VERY day they arrived at their new home-of-exile, you couldn't booze up.

I feel your pain, really I do. [Image: angry.gif]
Be nice to Mormons.

Nice fish.
And remember to always bring TWO with you fishing, otherwise they'll drink all your beer for ya! [:p]
Utah is by no measure the only place in the states with quirky consumption laws. Check out PA or some territories down south.

IMHO - be nice to all, regardless of religious affiliation, and respect each others belief to believe, and not impose your beliefs on others.

[center]You fish your way, and I'll fish mine.

[left]I've found finding the weedlines, and dropping into pockets at the sides bring out lots of fish. That's a pretty fertile lake, and I'd expect to start seeing sunset boils anytime soon. It was on FIRE late last summer - found some drop-off edges near the outlet, and it was hit-hit-hit every cast - as long as I cast OVER the boil and retrieve through, otherwise it killed it.

Seen any trout down there lately?
TX and NM are odd balls when it comes to those laws also. i had never seen a beer aisle closed off until i lived in NM. good thing the Shopette on base is open 24/7. plus we get a special little sticker on our beer that says its strong
Don't get me wrong there were a few boils but as the guys at fish tech said "so the well went dry huh?". I swear your worm used to be attacked the second it hit the water. I am sure there were other holes to be explored but the toon deflation stopped that adventure.

No trout in the hole I fished but the inlet river trench always holds a few. Boy are they picky though. I have tried dunking worms and throwing a blue fox black spinner at them and still no trout takers. If you look carefully you will see some good sized one's traveling up and down the inlet channel. I have seen fly's work on them but I rarely fly fish. You will also see a few bluegills in there too.

Although kids play in that water as well as dogs so if you don't see any fish they were most likely spooked and will come out of hidding later. Still I always see a few guys with good sized trout on a stringer from that area. I personally like the Bluegill and LMB action more though.
The slimers seem to like it shiny. Have had silver spinners chased and batted at. One time switched up to a silver lipless rattle-trap, and they were on it. Mostly cruising the deeper channel in the middle section (out from the Knoll).

They do get some deep dark colors in fall. Some pretty tuff fighters for slimers too. Plenty do the tail dance, and then flip me the fin as they've popped loose.

So what caused the deflation? Gotta watch where ya poke that corkscrew. [shocked]

All I can say - is watch our for Barney! No Mercy![pirate]
So far I haven't seen any male officers around although I have heard he has quite the rep. I have a real bad taste in my mouth about DWR officers after a few bad encounters with one in particular, of which if you really want to know I will gladly PM about it. It wasn't at Mantua.

I think (but the proof will be in the bubbles test) that one of the already caught Bluegills went Kamakazi on him and poked his toon. He stores them in the pouch on the inflatable and not on a stringer. The gill plates are so weak that a few always come right off the stringer. I keep mine on the stringer anyways. I really hope it was the cap!
Generally not an expert fisherman, but I bet I can give you a tip here. (my turn for once!)

Bluegills are brave and not line shy, but one thing I see is that, when they are pressured a bit, they tend get shy to bite. They see your jig or worm, flash up to it and then dare each other to bite first. MANY times I've watched big bluegills dart up, look at a bait, and then stop and stare, usually with others. The bigger ones wait til another bites or nibbles, then often grab the worm chunk out of their mouth.., etc.. Or they just stare and won't bite, all because they've seen it before.

The answer is a simple change up. If you fish with a bobber and worm, just switch to a clear bubble, fill it full til it sinks slowly, and then retrieve it slowly... they can't tsand that worm creeping along..

If you had been catching them with curlytail jigs, switch to ice jigs like a nuclear ant with wiggly legs. Just stuff like that...
Thanks for the information.... we already bought some new jigs in various colors.....but this time we believe a little over fishing had something to do with the low numbers (considering the hole is so close to the personal watercraft launch). Bluegills can be picky. I watched at a local provo puddle as the bluegills ingnored my bait on the bottom. I decided to "tap" my splitshot weight on the rocks under the water and suddenly the bluegills came from every which way to investigate the noise. None of them worked up the courage to bite...maybe that is because I got in a fight with the LMB of my life earlier that day (and that ended with a knot break due to trying to net him). Now MICKEY (named after the mickey big mouth beer) swims with a new piece of bling in his mouth. Fish of my life and he broke off....story of my life. Since then I have landed bigger fish by just running backwards up the bank. I only use the net when on the pontoon or if conditions call for it.
[:/]Though we have freedom of expression:

Making negitive comments about Mormons on a Utah fishing forum is a bit like going to a motorcycle riders convention/show and making fun of motorcycle riders.

Probably not the best thing to do!
Get over it , all of you all.
We all know tye-dye is young and a bit abrasive, so let it go. If you want to get all up about it, then do something about it, like pray for his soul, you know, be Christian like.

Tye, to bad about the toon, it happens with fins be real careful of catfish spikes with the toon. To bad about the reels breaking, sounds like it's time to spend more on a reel, your fishing enough to justify it. Try a $100 spinning reel, you'll never regret it, or go back to cheaper reels.
Lastly, pretty punk blaming others for your own lack of planning, how long have you lived in UT? You do know liquer stores are closed on Sunday too, don't you? You can't buy a car either, that's a statewide law.
If your going to fish on Sunday, save some beer from Saturday night, or buy more and leave it in the car for morning.
Other things you may want to put on your list of not to forget is your license, a current rule book for fishing UT and some toilet paper.
[quote Troll]
Too bad about the reels breaking, sounds like it's time to spend more on a reel, your fishing enough to justify it. Try a $100 spinning reel, you'll never regret it, or go back to cheaper reels.
Lastly, pretty punk blaming others for your own lack of planning, how long have you lived in UT? You do know liquer stores are closed on Sunday too, don't you? You can't buy a car either, that's a statewide law.
If your going to fish on Sunday, save some beer from Saturday night, or buy more and leave it in the car for morning.

I bought a reel today at Sportsmans for $34. I know big spender right? Anyways we didn't bring the beer in our fridge cuz I was under the impression that Mantua is a "alcoholic beverage free zone" hence the reason it was left in the fridge. I am 22 years old (dang admitted my age publicly) and just started really drinking 2 weeks ago (ugh more admissions of newbie-ness) so I have a ton to learn about state liquor laws. Yes I knew liquor stores were closed on sunday and I plan ahead for that. I have been in UT for 20 years.

Sorry if we come off as "abrasive" to some of you. Try to look at the info instead of the opinions if you find yourself offended.

I bring all but the toilet paper by the way. Won't forget that next time. Still I say it isn't going to be a great day if you don't forget something.