Fishing Forum

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LOL! just kiddin! I wouldn't do that to anyone- ha ha. Just a nuther new guy saying hi and happy to have found this site! Dave Smith
welcome to the forums!!!!!! you do any steelheading by chance? im gonna move your post to the oregon forum where you can meet some folks from there. happy fishing.
Thanks! Happy to be here. On steelheading- it's kinda a funny story- I go about a decade at a time on basically one type of fishing and then switch and I have just finished a decade of pretty hard bass fishing and am back on the salmon, trout and steelhead bug- just getting equipped and finding out what's new since I've last fished for shiny fish. I am kinda getting back intersted in flyfishing again so will probably do most of my steelheading with the flyrod. I make fish replicas and have been doing lot's of bass lately, too and am ready to do a bunch more salmon, trout and steelhead!
Dave Smith