Went to soldier Creek this morning, to see if i could come up with some sort of strategy for next saturdays DAV event.
We did managed to catch our share of Cutts and Bows today, nothing spectacular in size, but consistent. Here's the caution part [mad] we got back to the launch and secured the boat, last thing to do was to hook up the lights, Hmmm
somethings missing. Somebody had swiped my 7 pin to 4 pin trailer light adapter. I did manage to by a used one that looked alot like mine (had no way of proving it was mine) at the marina store,(or at least he was portraying himself as a store employee). I don't know who runs that marina / store but it looks like its gone down hill, with some shady looking characters hanging around. So you would be wise to secure anything you dont want lifted and sold back to you. lol
That is so said that someone took your plug adapter. Everytime I park at the launch ramp I pull my adapter and if I forget I got another one in the truck. I have seen and heard of spare tires and side guides stollen from trailers its so

to see that happen. I am glad you got into some fish though.
Sorry to hear about that Tim. We will probably have people around our rigs somewhat that aren't going out in the boats with a DAV. Not sure if weapons are allowed there or not but if so it might be worth pack'n one. I'll have to mention this to some of my badged friends in the area. Hope to see ya in camp Friday.
Sorry to hear that happened to you but those low lifes are out there. I have had trailer pins and the plug adaptor taken too . Glad you got into some fish i am looking forward to next saturday hopefully my usual spots are producing. [

Not to change the subject to much, but...
It is getting close to when some of us will need to deliver donated items and food to the cause (DAV).
I'll be watching for a thread on how to get together with the right people and the places to do this.
Last Year I met Geezer in the parking lot of Homies on friday afternoon to get things to him, if that's how it goes down this year, I'm fine with that.
Someone stole mine last year at lucerne. Came back, trailered up and no light adapter.
Post this or let Geezer know is best..
It would be nice to have a couple volunteers keep an eye on are rigs while where out there? [mad]
FishNutt, Heard about your post from a friend and decided to respond. I am management at strawberry marina, and resent the implication that our employees stole anything from you. If you have any kind of proof please deal with it with us and the employee running the soldier creek store if not, please refrain from attacking the character of our business or our employee's on poor assumptions.
I am sorry for the inconvenience the 'theft' caused, if you would like to talk about it more my number is 435-671-3024. I'd be happy to resolve all of it.
For any who wish to have an accurate and up to date fishing report feel free to call as well.....i'm awful good at fishing, its the catching i struggle with! ;-)
I was on the trip that day. It seemed odd to me that the adapter that was purchased at the store was the only one at the store, it was used and scuffed up , and was not in any sort of packaging nor had any price tag attached. Just an observation.
[crazy][crazy][crazy] Sounds fishy to me[crazy][crazy][crazy]
Bigon the berry, maybe if I filled you in on how the whole thing went down, you would understand my suspicion, lets get this cleared up first. I said “at least he was portraying himself as a store employee”. Now to the details: I walked to the marina store, the door was closed and locked (probably to prevent somebody from stealing anything).lol There was a sign on the door that said, “we are on the pier, yell at us and we will come help you”. I turned around, and a man comes up to me in front of the store, and asked me If he could help me. (that is were the portrayed comes in). I told him that somebody had lifted my adapter, he said , I think I have one of those, he proceeds to walk to his vehicle in the marina parking lot, and pulls a used one out of the back seat of his car, that looked a lot like mine. (I had no proof, as i stated before).
Now for the good part, I don’t give a rats ass what you do or don’t resent, the previous email’s intent , was to inform those individuals donating their time, money and resources to a very worthy cause, which honor’s the disabled men and women, of are armed services, out of respect, for what they have done for us and our country, that there is some worthless puke, who did not get enough ass beating as a kid, to teach them to respect other people’s property, Regardless who it is , you have a problem there , and if you are the manager, maybe you need to re-think security (if you have any), because people are not going to want to re-visit some place if their property gets stolen.
You said it brother, if stuff comes up missing this weekend, it could get ugly[mad]
Fishnuttz, Not to be disagreeable, but if your only intent was to warn people of theft then there was no need to toss the marina in there especially when you have ABSOLUTELY NO PROOF, I stand by my employees, I know them and hire with integrity in mind. They after all are totally in charge of my money, operations, and store without any supervision.
To even imply that my employees stole from you or anyone else attacks the character of my business and is harmful to my livelihood, especially when those accusations are unfounded.
If I were to come to your place of business and accuse you of stealing from me on a public forum i bet you would have issues too.
Point being, if your intent was to warn then simply warn. Adding names and theories can damage a persons reputation, and in My case business. Even if you have proof, IMHO such things should be handled in private until it is settled and a persons integrity is no longer at stake.
Gosh I've read and re-read the post above and I can't see where anyone's name was mentioned. We are all hoping to show the Vets a good time this weekend without having to worry about the security of our personal gear while we are on the water. Being the area manager I don't think you handled this very well at all. I feel the proper thing would have been to contact the originator of this thread through a PM and and find out what went down. I feel there is nothing but hard feelings being created now. I do personally want to thank you for allowing us to launch our boats to take a DAV out fishing Sat. without paying a fee. There is too much hate and discontent in the world now without having it carry over to our recreational areas where we go to enjoy ourselves and forget about alot of the garbage that is currently going on.[fishin]
Well said Packfan.[fishin]
I spend a lot of time at the Strawberry side and had ventured over to Soldier Creek. The guy that runs Soldier Creek marina is awesome so I can see why you would get upset with the post.
What ever his name is, tell him that he is doing a fantastic job and we appreciated his help last weekend.
That makes me feel alot better especially with your PS.[crazy]
Pack while no ones name was mentioned I felt it was implied that the dishonest party was the marina store, and the 'shady characters' around it. We do everything we can to help people out including your group and the last thing that strawberry or soldier creek marina wants to have associated with their name is thievery.
I apologize for the way it is being handled, but I stand by my employees openly and will not allow someone to even hint that we are anything but honest. IMHO to not defend our business and name is just as bad as admitting to the fault.
Hope everyone has a good time this weekend and that it all goes off well.