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Fished ririe yesterday and today. Whatever is pretty warm at 72. The fish have moved deeper and are starting to turn for sure. Only a week or two before they will be all red. We did manage to catch around 40 kokes in the two days. Today the fish ran smaller. The small ones seemed to be at all depths. We were catching most of our fish between 40 and 55fow. My biggest fish was a 18.5 inch buck. All fish were caught on trolls and wedding rings.
18 .5 inches is pretty big for a Ririe Koke. I have never caught one that big there.

Nice meeting you on the ramp Oregonguy! We did pretty well at 32 to 34! Always fun to get my 70+ year old mom on the water!
[quote oregonguy]Fished ririe yesterday and today. Whatever is pretty warm at 72. The fish have moved deeper and are starting to turn for sure.[#ff0000] Only a week or two before they will be all red[/#ff0000]. We did manage to catch around 40 kokes in the two days. Today the fish ran smaller. The small ones seemed to be at all depths. We were catching most of our fish between 40 and 55fow. My biggest fish was a 18.5 inch buck. All fish were caught on trolls and wedding rings.[/quote]

So will all male koke turn red and that is the end of fishing for kokes this year or is it just the end of fishing for 3yr olds. Please help me understand how much longer I will be able to fish for kokes this year.
The three year old class is dying off now. The meat will be pretty much mush in a week or two depending on the fish. The two year old class will still be there and is what we ice fish for all winter!
pleasure meeting you also. I might go back once but if I do it will be for smallmouth. I rather leave the smaller kokes for ice or next summer.
good luck and happy fishing