Took my dad out Saturday early after some smallies. Lake was beautiful! perfect water, few skiers and we even caught a few fish. Had a hard time finding lots of the buggers but we caught a few each including this one around 10. Got off the water before 11 and avoided the rush but we had a nice morning, good to spend time with the old man. We did the best on a watermelon senko and a lucky craft ghost minnow. [inline downsized_0730110945.JPG]
[cool]Nice smally, are they hitting any top-water baits yet? Was planning on going friday morning and hoping to get some top-water action. Do you know if the gates are open to the lake before 06:00 am or are they open all the time, would like to be on the water by 05:30 if I can.
my dad needed a bagel from Einsteins so we didn't make it up there before six [crazy] I didn't throw a top water last week but there were still a few fish rising when we got on the water. We did try a popper and a torpedo earlier last week though to no avail which was strange because bass were rising all over the place

]Thanks fish or die, appreciate you getting back with the this info. I'll be hitting it friday morning and hopefully all the big smallies haven't been speared.
I'll be up there thurs and post a report as well. sounds like a good day!
Typically the gates on the east of the guard station are open and you can get in earlier than 6:00. I have a annual pass and fill out the annual mussel form and have yet to get bothered.

]Made it up to Jordenelle friday morning with my fishin buddy, arrived at 05:55 and the gate was open. We fished the north end, east side and west side, and fished a little in the provo arm and around the island too. Fishing was slow but not bad, we ended up boating 19 smb and missed several hits. The largest was about 14" but most were small. Quite a long drive for us when we could of done just as well at PV but it was a great day of fishing and nice to fish somewhere different for a change. Go to bait was senko's and Yamamoto grubs, not one taker on top-water[frown].
Sure wish the power squadron would stay home once in a while if you know what I mean, them people have got no respect for the fisherman and it doesn't matter what lake your on, it's the same everywhere. Thanks again for your info fish or die.
I hit it (and the traffic) friday as well. We went north out of the marina again and there were so many boats around that the water was stained 30 feet off shore from all the waves. Oh well, we only had a couple hours to fish because of the 4runner on fire at the top of parlys. We caught a couple each, nothing fantastic. Also hooked this very ugly chub which got the bat for being ugly. [inline downsized_0805112004.JPG][inline downsized_0805111937.JPG]
I think I'll take a few days off before school starts in a couple weeks and spend at least one of them on pineview, I hear there's some bigguns to be caught up there.....