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Full Version: disappointed in America today
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What are we going to do?? Our leaders are running the country off a cliff and all they can do is squabble and worry about their agenda! Raise the debt limit so they can make it to the election next year??? What the hell kind of debt reducing strategy is that? Not once have I heard about cutting congress' costs like reducing their salaries or retirement plans but they want to borrow more until they aren't worried about a re-election!
Honestly, it makes me want to move out to the country and learn to live off the grid and out of debt because I only see bad things happening to those who rely on the government to provide anything. I feel more and more disillusioned by the day and I don't know what to do about it.
Go fishing, that's what it's for.
For all those who feel disillusioned take solace in the thought 2012 elections and all the elections to follow will be you chance to make changes. Always vote![cool]
I agree'd, vote! Its our chance to fire the B-tards and make changes. Seems to me that Americans in general forget we're not obligated to politicians, its visa versa. But the B-tard Politicians dont figure it that way. I say fire the whole bunch of them to prove the point.
I could not get my head around on what to do with this countries debt, balancing the deficits,ect,ect.

I say lets get the debt paid off ASAP. Some things we usually do we will have to "think outside the box" and put up with any torpedoes that come along the way.

I support tax reform, after the debts gets paid off move to a consumption tax, forget income taxes.

Other than that prepare for some "economic trouble".[frown]
We're probably approaching the last chance we will ever have to get this great and wonderful nation headed back in the right direction. The 2012 election will be the most important event for America since the signing of the Declaration of Independence. If we voters don't get it right this time we'd better begin apologizing to our kids & grandkids. We will leave them in a hole they won't be able to climb out of.

I submit we need to only elect representatives that will support a tenure of office act for all congressional and presidential positions. The present system is so corrupt and political that the best for the nation takes second to re-election, party politics, pork, ad nauseum (sp?). Newly elected congressmen work for the country only long enough to learn the system which rarely takes two terms. Senators have had it after one. The office of president should never exceed two terms. To he-- with this seniority crap, all that does is perpetuate the mess.

People with much better minds than mine made this mess but the ones in power right now sure as hell aren't doing anything to get us out of it. It is time to start the painful job we've got ahead of us. It's gonna require sacrifice on EVERYONE'S part and we better get to it.
Catfish- instead of a consumption tax, I think I have grown to favor a flat tax that everyone pays; poor, with children, corporations, everyone. That would put give every citizen some skin in the game increasing their awareness and prevent giant corporations like GE from receiving tax refunds because they spent money- on their own products, to receive tax credits. There's just no reason for giant companies to receive tax refunds but it is a result of the giant, overly complicated tax rules.

If everyone paid a flat rate from lowest paid to highest, the tax form could fit on a postcard. This would not solve the entire debt problem that we have created but it would be a start.
I couldn't agree more. I would take it a step further and disband the IRS or greatly reduce it by making the flat tax a sales tax so every piece of income is taxed equally. Including the billions of dollars the drug dealers make.

Our founding fathers are rolling in their graves right now.
Or we could get the whole country to not vote. They would not know what too do haha. what i would do to see the faces of the politicians!
Then it would just fall to the electoral college to decide. I know your probably just joking but not voting wouldn't solve anything.
Couldn't agree with you more. Our country is full of people
that believe doing nothing will solve a problem.
The only way we can make things better in our country
is to get involved. Be informed. And VOTE intelligently.