[cool]Hello There, I have been invited to fish Willow beach area this coming weekend. My understanding is that it is down river from the damn. I've there are stripers and trout? Just curious if anyone can point me in the right direction as far as techniques, tackle, etc., I have plenty of tackle but since I am flying into Vegas I will be limited on how much stuff I can bring. Any thoughts or tips would be greatly appreciated.
[font "Calibri"][/font]Yes down river from the dam in Arizona. Quite a few willow-ites on the board maybe they can chime in with some current info.
From what I know endlessly trolling big rainbow trout imitations is the main game out there. For the bows fish standard trout gear around the handicap pier. Not a Jazz fan but hey take it for what it’s worth [:p] Go Rockets!
Thanks for the advice.
Willow beach has some mighty big striper swimming around eating the stocked rainbow trout. You wont find many bass til you get down to Lake Mohave.
The name of the game is trolling and casting big baits like A/C Plugs, Huddleston Swimbaits, and the like.
Anything that resembles an 8"-16" rainbow trout will work.
BUT, you may fish for a month without a bite. When you finally get one, the wait was well worth it.
Fishing for stocker rainbows can be fun too, and small powerbait trout worms, inline spinners, and most other typical trout techniques work, with prime time being every Friday when they stock the next batch of trout.
That striper in my avatar picture is from Willow Beach.