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Full Version: Willard Bay Trolling 8-9
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Got a message from CVfisher, who was willing to take my twin (evil tye dye twin) and I trolling for the 1st time. What a hell of a guy for that! I cannot thank you enough!

Willard Bay - Arrived at the north marina at 4:30pm. As we trolled the North Dike I picked up a 13 inch channel catfish on a jointed shad rap rapalla tipped with nightcrawlers. When we got to the lighthouse we anchored up. I then threw out a Gary Yamamoto 4 inch single tail in cinnamon with black flecks with Gulps Crawfish spray rigged texas style. What do ya know 1st cast and I got the biggest Green Sunfish I have ever seen! It was 8 inches, which is 2 inches off the Utah C&R record and longer than the LMB I got at Mantua the other day! After he lost his anchor we trolled back along the North Dike and we didn't get a single bite. We left the marina at 10pm. For some reason the "only 2 fish a day at Willard curse" remains in place for me.

I am kinda glad I don't own a fish finder cuz then I would really see how many fish there are out there that don't bite. [Image: icon_mad.gif]

The monster Green Sunfish and the BFT'er that was willing to take me on his boat.
[Image: 736541.JPG]

The 13 inch Channel Catfish, my 1st fish caught while trolling!
[Image: 736543.JPG]

The 8 inch monster Green Sunfish!
[Image: 736544.JPG]
You two are a lot of fun to fish with. Sorry it was so slow for us last night. My kids are not that big on fishing, so I guess I have "adopted" you two to show you all my favorite fishing holes.