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Full Version: Alexander Res Sat 13 AUG
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Went to the reservoir to catfish as they had planted 200,000 planters in there about 3 weeks ago. Had the best lucky we've had on Alexander all year. Came back with 4 nice keepers, threw back 4 planters and also caught 5 carp. The wind was pretty bad after about 10 am, but was fishing a few coves by the dam and it was sheltered enough it made it bearable. Hope to go back again soon and try it without the white caps.
If you dont mind me asking what was the size of the keepers? (inches) I also agree this yr has produced WAY more cats for me as well but they all just been under the keeper size for what i like....
They were around 15"-16" I'd guess. We didn't measure any of them other than a large carp as I was curious to see how many lbs. it was. I don't fillet any catfish, so they can be a little smaller than I'd like, but still enough to eat. I am thinking an evening or night fishing trip might be in the works. The last 3 times we've been to Alexander, there's been boats racing around, pulling skiers, pulling tubes, etc. They blow right past you and haven't been the least bit considerate of people fishing. Maybe going in the evening or night would be a way to avoid that.
yeah i hear ya... We just about got hit by one last time i was thr. I was just wanting to know but that sounds like the sizes i have been catching their as well... If you go good luck and let us know how you do..... thanks..
and that's why i fish the flats any one dumb enough to recreate in the flats deserves to hit the rocks and sink there boat... im so tired of the powersquadren.... its ok another couple of boats will hit the rocks this year again and it will be all over the news of how dangerous Alexander is to recreate on... once again. I swear every year i see at least 2 or 3 reports of people losing there boats to Alexander...
I got to get over there some day for a cat trip. Ron
Well, I just started boat fishing this year, and never really paid attention to how many asses there were driving rec. boats around close to fisherman until you see it first hand. I thought there was more boater etiquette than that, but I've seen it @ Glendale, Alexander, and on the Snake River by Gem Lake Dam this summer. This boat on Saturday put in right at the Dam near that park, and zipped by us 6 times in 15 minutes just to show off apparently, and we had to leave and move further up, out of the fish just to appease him. Another boat that was there couldn't take it, and they packed up and left. I've always tried to slow down and pass someone fishing with a little courtesy, but apparently your supposed to gun it and go by everyone as fast as you can to impress all the women on the boat with your big engine. Sounds like little-man's syndrome to me.