I once found a list of muskie catches on a web site I forgot to book mark. It had thousands on top of thousands of catches recorded with every thing from moon phase, water temp., to time of day. Has anyone else come across this site? If so, would you please post a link? I've looked for 20-30 hours and am about to give up.
maybe this:
[url "http://www.trentu.ca/muskie/muskiehotlist.html"]http://www.trentu.ca/muskie/muskiehotlist.html[/url]
or this:
[url "http://www.trentu.ca/muskie/bigindex.html"]http://www.trentu.ca/muskie/bigindex.html[/url]
[url "http://www.trentu.ca/muskie/biol.html"]http://www.trentu.ca/muskie/biol.html[/url]
[unsure]Close but it was very user friendly and had a couple hundred listed on each of 3 hundred pages. Each pages was one of those cross referencing charts with all the catches down the left side and the size, bait, tactics, and weather/water conditions listed up top. Thanks for the posted links, I'll really enjoy reading them.
It's been studied to the piont they've said the only repetteing factor was a new moon. But I forgot to see what was the most prefered baits amoung the specie. I swore I had it mark. Agian...thanks for the post.