08-18-2011, 09:00 AM
We stunk it up at this one. Colby and I have not been able to fish for a couple weeks so we were rusty, it showed. We did not find them and only had a nice outing practicing casting and checking our equipment. emoAngel Colby managed one goober (crank), I managed two goobers (shakey) and I lost one (shakey) that was pretty good that hung me up in a tree top. Never got to see it but it felt good.
That was it, those were the only four fish we had on.
I think that was the first time this year that me and Colby had entered a tournament without catching three keepers or for that matter one keeper. emoDoh I hope we got that out of our system and will come on strong this weekend for the CBA. It was nice to be on the water again with everything working. emoDance Now if we can only find some bass. emoScratch Jmax