Fishing Forum

Full Version: Labman, Chick, Bass, 08/16/2011, solo
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The GULP is back! Put in at CFP around 2:30 and threw a spinnerbait and pop-r at some weeds. I know it was middle of the day, but I like to give them a shot on the way out. Water temp about 85. No fish landed, one blow-up but no hook-up. Moved on out to the river channel and started working a drop at 24'. Was marking a ton of bait and several stacks of fish. Looked promising. Started vertical jigging a spoon and then casting and ripping a spoon back to the boat. No luck with that. <br /><br />Time for the dropshot, thinking try a roboworm, nah go with the gulp minnow. They liked it. Caught 7 LM and 1 cat in that general area. Fish and bait seemed to be all along the drop. Tried a blade cast out and let sink to bottom then rip it back and caught 1 LM. Only problem was size was a little weak. Largest maybe 2.5#. Tried another drop/flat area and marked some fish, but nothing doing there. Took a ride upriver and saw cast4bass with one of his sons and a friend working over a flat off the main channel. Said hi and left them to get on with their catching. Tried a frog on the wayback downriver and had 1 blow up and not hookup again. I did catch a sm channel cat throwing a worm at the weed edge, and it managed to get so twisted up that I had to cut the line to get it loose. It thanked me by sticking a fin point in the base of my thumb nail. I hate messing with those cats.<br /><br />So it seems the cooler temps helped the fishing a little. Things are looking up.<br /><br />Regards, Labman