Fishing Forum

Full Version: Labman, Chick, Bass, 8/22/2011, Solo
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Got on the water about 1:30. prime fishing time, lol. Spent the next 3 hours fishing and no catching. Finally caught an 8# blue can on drop shot minnow. Had a couple of hookups on lightly weighted worm working weed edges, but lost both fish without seeing them. Pretty windy and nothing was working.<br /><br />Time for a radical change. Went to a shore/flat that was being pounded by the wind. Figured might blow some bait fish in there. Put on a poping cork and trailer. Caught a small spot on first cast. Had a couple hit the cork so I thought I would try a Pop-R with a trailer. That worked too, hooked 11 Bass, and landed 8 2on the pop-r and 6 on trailer. Nothing huge, but a couple of good solid fish. This took place around 5:00 during the hotest part of the day. Ya just never know what is going to work. <br /><br />After seeing Bassert's report and huge fish, I guess I didn't do too well, but was glad to find a few. <br /><br />Taking Jerry out tomorrow morning to try for crappie on Chick. He is coming over from the valley and I hope we can find enough to keep us entertained for a while.<br /><br />Regards, Labman