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Northern's are on the prowl!

Was at Coon Rapids Dam (CRD) a few days ago. They've got a good portion of it shut so they can keep the boating going on the upper side of the dam. In the slack water, the Northern's were attacking just about everything you threw in there! The only other thing caught in the area were catfish and carp. Usually there's some walleye's, smallies, and sheepshead's. Not that day! The Northern's were very aggressive. They've even been biting on everything from nightcrawlers (even pieces) to minnows (of all sizes) to leeches! I had a few attack some top-water lures I was playing with. One person was catfishing with cut bait. In 2 hrs, he caught 6 northern's and only one cat on the cut bait! LOL. What a day that was! Wish I had a video camera going the entire time.
fall usualy has that affect on all species. one day it will be the gills another the bass another pike and so on.

the makes for some great catch and relase action.
It was quite a blast! I need to learn out to sharpen my hooks I lost a few because of dull hooks. But it was still a total blast!
there are lots of hook sharpeners on the market. even a hand held battery opperated round hook hone.

been wanting to try one out for a long time. I have a little 3 inch triangle shape stone with groves in it to drag the hook through and sarpen the out side of the hook.

I am not realy saticfide with the results, that is why I am pondering on the battery opperated modle. it will get on the inside of the hook and sharpen from the inside out and I belive it will give me a better point.
Yeah, I've been considering one of them electric ones since I do tend to be clumsy and accident prone at the same time. Smile I was watching Midwest Outdoors a few weeks ago and they suggested that sharpening the hook to be more of an arrowhead shape is what they consider to be the best. They said instead of the head-shake loosening the hook and potentially throwing it, when they shake their head, the hook will actually dig further in.
thats an instring concept. we all new this about arow heads and deer, it is a wonder why we havent associated the same technology to fishing.

after all getting to the point is the main issue. [Wink]
See, some genius out there figured it out. Now only if the hook manufacturers would start making them like that.

THIS JUST IN! This link from fishfather just shows that when you put your mind to it, you'll be amazed at what you find!

I'm definitely gonna hafta order me some of these hooks!
they are expecnive but worth every penny.

I dont know which one of our sponcers carry this product but when I find it I will post a link.
I should suggest to Owner that they make a hook file just for their hooks. Those of us that have never sharpened hooks or knives in our lives could use one custom-made to fit their hooks.
not a bad idea, that is how we get new products and services, by some one having the insite to know when a new divice or service.

Go get-um [Wink]