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New to fly fishing went out last week for the first time on the lower Provo, got my first fish within 10 min, and that was it for the 2 hours I spent on the river. I had a problem with my waders though they seem to have a leak. Does anyone know where I can take them to get fixed?
Need more info, like what type of waders. AND are you sure they are leaking because even with breathables, you will have moisture/sweat. Specially if you are wearing cotton underneath.
They are breathable and Had water up to my calf so I am sure they are leaking somewhere unless they are suppose to do that.
No, but with as hot as it has been and the breathables have that neoprene boot, my pant legs are wet up to my knee, but they dry quickly.

Aquaseal and the activator is the best. Loon makes Wader Repair that dries as soon as it sees a UV light or sun light, but it dries very hard.

Do your best to fine the leak. I have even gone so far as to turn waders wrong side out and fill with water to find leaks.

Now, one more thing, is it both legs or just one?
I'll fix them for you. I charge $25. Now if you want to do them yourself there are some great videos on youtube.
I only fill with water up to just below the knee. It works great for finding holes in the neoprene feet. More than that and it can stress the seams on some waders. Some waders can probably take it, but some can't. I know...Been there, done that!

An led flashlight in a dark room can help with finding some of the leaks on the breathables. Turn the waders inside out and hold the flashlight inside the wader. Slowly run the light over the material in the suspect area. When a bright spot in the material shows up, mark it.
Simms has some good videos on wader repair. Click [url ""]here[/url] and scroll down the videos on the right side. There is everything there from detecting leaks, patching pinholes, patching bigger holes, wader washing, patching holes in neoprene waders, etc. You can't go wrong.