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Full Version: Mantua Labor Day
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Took the boys up in the afternoon to dial the duck boat in and catch a fish or two. The first 1/2 hr was great for the Bows and a couple nice bluegills then the wind picked up and all we caught was drifting algea so we had to change tactics and found a little cove with some shelter from wind and my 5 yr old proceeded to take us to Bluegill School! Nothing fancy with him, just a plain worm under a bobber haging over the boat while my other son and I had green/orange jigs tipped with worm also and did ok. It was a mixed bag including trout, bluegill, perch, green sunfish, and bass. Kept few, flipped back a few. Nothing huge but nice enough for the fryer[Wink]
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Nice fish there....glad to see the good old Mantua produced for ya all. I must admit....I am jealous of the Trout you caught there. I tried for the trout but only got LMB after Bluegill with some mixed in perch. Anyways I am very happy for you and your kids! With kids any fish is a prize...the way it should be. Thanks for the pics and the report. Happy fishing....I meant catching....out there.
Love that first pic! That's how I started with my dad. Glad to see they were having fun and catching some fish. Thanks for the report!