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Full Version: Lake with HAWGS near Philly?
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Hey all. I live in Philadelphia and usually fish Lake Luxembourg in Core Creek Park. Sometimes the Deleware for smallies. Im looking for a lake that has PIGS in it. Looking for bass 5lbs and up. The biggest ive caught at the Lake was about 5lbs but i have the itch for something bigger. So can anyone recommend a good lake for me? Also i do not own a boat unfortunately so a lake that has good bank fishing would be great. Any ponds or lake anyone can recommend would be greatly appreciated!
every lake has hogs, the trick is finding them and catching...

"exception to the rule is lakes that have been fished out" Lots of those. Good luck getting on privet lakes
Bluemarsh lake in Berks county...thats all i'm saying...UGLYSTIK52[bobWink]
I'm from montgromery county bud...
From what i've been told...a guy nailed a large mouth last week at the Nocs....that weight over 7lbs....I hav'nt seen any pictures on it,but i'm sure their in there...i caught one 6lber a few years back...but i don't fish for them anymore...UGLYSTIK52