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If you had a fishing buddy that wanted to be paid in flies for your share of the gas how many flies would you give him?

In the case lets say you thought $20 cash would be fair.

Oh and you tie your own flies, so you're paying him with flies you tied.
20 bucks? 2 dozen would seem 'aight by my standards
Id say dollar a fly depending on the quality of the flies Allot of online sites charge 50 to 60 cents + shipping for the cheap bargain flies. And not to knock them some are decent quality.
I agree, I would think a couple dozen, but it would depend on flies.
Maybe 6 Kelly Galloup - Zoo Cougar or Sex Dungeon style.
Haresears, prince, ect. a couple dozen.
Yep, a couple dozen standards.
I will echo the couple dozen. Hey you still want that six bucks? We can meet somewhere where there is lots of water for the exchange if you like?[sly]
I am ready anytime. Let's meet at Mantua this fall sometime.
Just don't put your boat on top of his trailer...LOL
You notice how he said "meet" somewhere!

Before that I had no idea how heavy my boat is.
I can do that. Just need to find a day that I can tear myself away.