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hey guys just wondering if any of you would be willing to give me some info on catchin catfish? haven't ever really done it before just a few times messin around. cant take the boat out tonight so was lookin to get into it. any info on what to use, rigs, or where to go would be great. might just go over to the benson area and see what happens. thanks!
There's people better experienced than myself who could tell you more. But FWIW - catfish will eat most anything, but unlike some folks think - they like fresh food. If you can present something they are used to seeing - that'd be your best bet. Minnows (dead), strips of cut bait- carp meat, I've done well with shrimp (raw) and worms.

The lil' yellow belly mudcats are very prevalent and easy to find and catch. Channels can be a bit more challenging, and rewarding.
Many folks would fish with chicken livers, or raw beef - but you'd best need it wrapped up in a stocking to keep it on the hook. Teh commercial baits, doughs, dips - can work, but probably not as well as a fresh natural offering.

You can pitch a bait under a bobber, or soak it on the bottom behind a sliding weight. Mudcats will peck peck peck at a bait, while channels often pick up and go - but will pop&drop when they feel resistance - so a light bobber, or sliding weight with the drag set WAY loose, or bail open (pinched with a rubber band).

But - kitties WILL chase too (check some of TubeDude's posts - jigs, plastics - tipped usually, but no marshmallows or powerbait for these beasts).

Along the Bear - look to bends, deep pockets, logjams holding structure (and snags) as good bets. There are the main bridges that gets lots of "attention" and then there are "other" spots that can produce. Changes in flow, structure to hide behind - lots of options.

I've come to like the circle hooks/octopus hooks - as they get a good hookup. I'll often tie a few beads, and maybe a spinner blade for attraction. A float can keep you off the bottom - but you'll find Cats in various levels of the water column.

Shoot me a PM if you want more specifics. Be glad to hear how you do. Good luck out there - cats are pretty catchable once you get to understand them.