my daughter and her fiance have been going up to strawberry to catch crawdads. I know scofield, and east canyon also have them. does rockport, deer creek or jordanelle have them also? if so, is there any part of the lake that would be best to try and catch some? thanks in advance.[

Deer Creek would be a good choice. I would not waste my time for crawdads in Jordanelle. I don't know if there is any in Rockport.
Rockport has them. As a matter of fact that is the only place I have caught them at.
da berry by the dam is the best daddy spot that i have been this summer . you can fill a cooler in just a few hours.
Thanks for the help. I am heading up to the berry early sunday morning. do you mean the old dam on the berry side, or the actual dam on the soldier creek side? I hope you mean the latert cause thats where we are going. I know it is rockier there than on the berry side. will post and let you know.
During the day: by the dam on the Soldier Creek side is the best. In the evening, just wait until all the boats have cleared the ramps after dusk then walk down the dock on the left side of the ramp. Take a fishing net and you can scoop them out much faster than you can catch them using the old chicken leg trick.
Just remember that it is illegal to transport them live from the lake. If you are taking them home, take a cooler full of ice. Kill them at the lake then quickly pack them in the ice.