So the family and I are heading up to Moon Lake to be in a cabin thurs night thru Monday afternoon. I imagine we will be doing a fair amount of teaching worms to swim, does anyone know really what kind of fish are in that lake? all i can find is trout, and maybe lake trout, maybe some splake... is there any perch or anything in there? I am just wondering what I should be fishing for, so I know how to get these kids set up to catch something.
anyhow, thank you in advance.
Bad fish
You should find a few more species in Moon Lake.....along with splake and lake trout you might find brookies, rainbow, browns, cutts, kokes. Not so sure about any perch.
Bill, the resort owner might be you're best source for information on location, bait, lures, etc.
Good luck, you picked a nice quiet time of the year.
Try setting up a couple of rods with a casting bubble (fill halfway with water), 4' of leader and a black or olive wooley bugger. This great for kids. Cast it out for them and tell them to reel slowly. The fish go crazy for this set up.
You should be in for a great time! My family goes up every year and is one of the highlights of summer. I have never caught anything with any size to it but you can catch fish none stop most of the time. The main natural lake holds the majority of the fish and the north half is where we have done the best. It is has very steep bank, you can be trolling 30 feet off shore and be in 100+ ft of water. We have caught splake, rainbows, kokanee, brookies, and grayling. We have done the best for kokanee trolling pop gear and a worm along the shore line going up to the north end of the lake. There are two streams that feed into the lake there and in is a good place to anchor up and fish with worms for the larger rainbows. If you want to catch larger splake while anchored use a rainbow 78 pointer minnow. Spinners and clips also work good here. The brookies and grayling are washed down from the lakes up stream and are not in large enough numbers to target them. But the ones we have caught have been when we are anchored up on the north end. Hope this helps. Post up a report when you get back. Good luck![cool]