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[#000000][size 4]FLYHOOKER SPORTFISHING[/size][/#000000]
[#000000]Captain George Landrum[/#000000]
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[#000000]Cabo Fish Report[/#000000]
[#000000] Sept. 5-11, 2011[/#000000]

[#000000][#000000]WEATHER: [/#000000][#000000]Wehad a hot week here in Cabo as our daytime highs were in the mid tohigh 90's and the nighttime lows only got down to 85 degrees. Ourcloud cover varied as weather from the mainland appearedintermittently, ever few days a new cloud deck comes over and we geta bit muggy for a day. No rain here in town this week, but I betthere was some up in the mountains![/#000000][/#000000]
[#000000][#000000] WATER: [/#000000][#000000]After a strange change in the water temperatures last week, we areback to about what we expect for this time of year. On the Sea ofCortez the water is a very consistent 88 degrees while the Pacificside as a band of cold water along the beach that reads as 83degrees. The warm 88 degree water from the Cortez side has a fingerrunning up the Pacific side across the San Jaime Bank and up to thewestern edge of the Golden Gate Bank. This finer of warm waterextends out to almost the 1,000 fathom line, then the temperaturedrops to 83 degrees again. This week the swells have been small andthe winds light so the fishing conditions have been fantastic![/#000000][/#000000]
[#000000][#000000]BAIT: [/#000000][#000000]Caballito,Mullet and Sardines were the live bait available with the biggerbaits at the usual $3 each and the Sardinas at $25 a scoop up in thePalmilla area.[/#000000][/#000000]
[#000000] FISHING:[/#000000]
[#000000][#000000]BILLFISH[/#000000][#000000]: There are plenty of Striped Marlin being seen but not all of themhave been hungry. A few boats have tossed baits to as many as 8 fishper trip and have been lucky to get three hooked up and released, formost boats just getting one released has been a reason forcelebration. As far as the larger Marlin go, some Blacks arebeginning to show up off the Gorda Banks and the Punta Gorda area andthere have been Blue Marlin attacking lures both to the south of Caboand around the warm water plume on the Pacific side. Most of theselarger fish a=have been in the 200-300 pound class, but there havebeen reports of some in the magic 300+ category as well. Lures havebeen the best stuff to use on the Blue Marlin and the Black Marlinreally like slow trolled live Skipjack.[/#000000][/#000000]
YELLOWFIN TUNA: Strangely enough, Yellowfin Tuna have remainedour fish of the week. I mean that because we have been seeing PurseSeiners setting on schools out here, and we are still catching somenice Tuna, in spite of them. There have been some very nice fishreported from the area of the Finger Banks, but that is a long haulfor the fleet guys on a fingers crossed trip when there is goodfishing closer to home. Boats fishing the Pacific side have beencatching fish ranging from 10 to 100 pounds with most of them in the20-30 pound class while trolling cedar plugs and feathers aroundporpoise and dolphin. The larger fish have been hooked on slowtrolled live bait and live bait dropped back after hooking up to atrolled fish, but the very largest fish have been taken while fishingunder a kite. We had clients this week who caught 5 Yellowfinbetween 30 and 60 pounds and several small one, the larger fish allcoming from using the kite. Other boats working a bit farther out tothe south reported larger fish over 100 pounds coming from under akite.
[#000000]DORADO: The Dorado bite did not change thisweek as there were still plenty of fish to be caught, you just had tobe fishing the right areas get them. Almost all the big numbers werefound within 2 miles of the beach on the Pacific side up past theArcos area. Big numbers do not mean big fish though as most of theseDorado were in the 10 pound class with a few much smaller as well. The larger fish were found farther offshore, but were scattered, noconcentrated, Boats that did well on the larger fish were lookingfor feeding frigate birds and running to them, tossing out live baitand slow trolling the area. Also, almost anything you found floatingthis week was likely to have fish under it. A few boats were able toget into small groups of Dorado averaging 25 pounds and catching 3 or4 for the fish box.[/#000000]
[#000000]WAHOO: Once again I did not hear of anyWahoo, but we are approaching the full moon and it is the right timeof year, so I expect that to change this week.[/#000000]
[#000000] INSHORE: Some Roosterfish as well as ascattering of Snapper and Grouper have kept most inshore anglers alittle busy, but with the water conditions the way they are most ofthe Pangas are going offshore looking for the larger Dorado and someof those great Yellowfin Tuna.[/#000000]

[#000000]FISH RECIPE: My recipe has been taking toomuch space so if you want to see it, check out my wordpress blog alittle later in the week, or subscribe to the blog and you willreceive an email as soon as I post it. This week I actually will beposting one since we finally got some Tuna to take home, a very nicepiece from the 169 pound fish![/#000000]
[#000000]NOTES: I love having fresh Tuna to eat,yesterday I fixed some sushi and we pigged out, even the dog hadsome! Hopefully having the Tuna here is a situation that will staythe same for the next few months, it sure would be nice if theystayed in our area for the Tuna Tournament in November! This weeksreport was written to the sound of techno-dancer music blasting froma neighbors outdoor speakers a block away, some kind of rave going onfor the last two days. Noise pollution when it is that loud in aresidential area! Oh well, it's off to the beach with the wife andpuppy, home for a good breakfast and then a good sit down for aSunday of football!! Don't forget all the victims of the terroristact of 9/11 in your prayers today.[/#000000]
[#000000]Until next week, tight lines![/#000000]
[#000000]I will be posting more to my blog now,please go to [url ""][font "Tahoma"][#000099][/#000099][/font][/url]and subscribe, you will be sent a notice every time I post a newarticle. Please feel free to send suggestions or if you have anyideas for articles. Thanks George[/#000000]