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We've posted our recommendations for the 2012 fishing season at Please take a look and attend your local regional advisory council (RAC) meeting if you want to want to share your input with RAC members. (The RAC schedule is at the bottom of the first page of the recommendations document.)

Many of our proposals came from angler input obtained during the survey earlier this year. Thanks to all of you who took the time to participate and share your suggestions!

Amy Canning
Communications Specialist
Utah Division of Wildlife Resources
so there are northerns in Utah Lake????well, I may have a clue about a mystery fish that broke me off on 12lb test and a 8lb, drag fought hard like a bass but must have been north of 12 lbs. my line came out freyed a bit....I wonder?????
These seem to be in conflict:

"At all waters except Strawberry Reservoir, Scofield Reservoir, Panguitch Lake[ and], Jordanelle Reservoir and Lake Powell, game fish may be dressed, filleted, have heads and/or tails removed, or otherwise be physically altered after completing the act of fishing or reaching a fish cleaning station, camp, or principal means of land transportation. It is unlawful to possess fish while engaged in the act of fishing that have been dressed or filleted. This shall not apply to fish that are processed for immediate consumption or to fish held from a previous day’s catch."

"© Fish may be filleted at any time and anglers may possess filleted fish at any time at Lake Powell."
Good to see they are planning on reducing the limit on Wipers in Willard to 3.
Everywhere else you have to wait until you have finished fishing. You cannot continue to fish while in possession of filleted fish. At Lake Powell, you could be processing stripers on the boat while you are fishing.
I went back and put the entire statement in there. Including Lake Powell with Strawberry and the other bodies of water seems to be in conflict. At Strawberry they have been requiring that heads and tails remain attached for fish identification and also so that they can see if a fish falls within the slot.
Trout and/or salmon taken at Strawberry Reservoir, Scofield Reservoir and Panguitch Lake, and smallmouth bass taken at Jordanelle may not be filleted and the heads or tails may not be removed in the field or in transit. You gotta wait until you get home.

Fish may be filleted at any time and anglers may possess filleted fish at any time at Lake Powell. You can fillet while you fish.

Everywhere else: Game fish may be dressed, filleted, have heads and/or tails removed, or otherwise be physically altered after completing the act of fishing or reaching a fish cleaning station, camp, or principal means of land transportation. It is unlawful to possess fish while engaged in the act of fishing that have been dressed or filleted. This shall not apply to fish that are processed for immediate consumption or to fish held from a previous day’s catch.

There isn't a conflict in the regs.
I think I read something (probably a post from TubeDude) a long time ago about Northern Pike being introduced into Utah Lake years ago but that they didn't do so well. Seems like one hadn't shown up in a DWR net since the mid-90's. Hopefully someone can correct me because I do not want to spread misinformation. I don't know much about what kind of habitat Northerns prefer nor do I target them. I guess it is possible a few survive and are lurking out there. As to what sort of beastie broke your line, my guess would be a big channel cat. Who knows though...[Wink]

I think Kent is pointing out that Lake Powell needs to be removed from the list of exceptions from this line: "At all waters except Strawberry Reservoir, Scofield Reservoir, Panguitch Lake[ and], Jordanelle Reservoir and Lake Powell, game fish may be dressed, filleted, ..."

"© Fish may be filleted at any time and anglers may possess filleted fish at any time at Lake Powell."

I noticed the conflict/typo also when I first read the proposal.
Nope. The regulation lists what could be called the general regulations regarding removing heads, or filleting fish. At all waters except those listed you have to wait until you are through fishing, and are at a cleaning station, or your vehicle or camp. Then it lists the exceptions. One exception covers Strawberry, Scofield, Panguich trout and Jordanelle bass. There you have to wait until you get home. The other exception is Lake Powell, where you can fillet while you fish. It may be confusing, but it does not present a conflict.

The wording could be: At all waters game fish may be dressed, filleted, have heads and/or tails removed, or otherwise be physically altered after completing the act of fishing or reaching a fish cleaning station, camp, or principal means of land transportation. It is unlawful to possess fish while engaged in the act of fishing that have been dressed or filleted. This shall not apply to fish that are processed for immediate consumption or to fish held from a previous day’s catch. The following waters are exceptions to this rule Strawberry Reservoir, Scofield Reservoir, Panguitch Lake[ and], Jordanelle Reservoir and Lake Powell.

Trout and/or salmon taken at Strawberry Reservoir, Scofield Reservoir and Panguitch Lake, and smallmouth bass taken at Jordanelle may not be filleted and the heads or tails may not be removed in the field or in transit.

Fish may be filleted at any time and anglers may possess filleted fish at any time at Lake Powell.

The way it is presented lists the exceptions in the body of the regulation. It is a little bit tougher to decipher, but it is all there. Lake Powell is an exception to the rule. You don't have to wait until you're through fishing.
I see your point now. Missed the bolded part where it talks about the fishing part completion. You are also correct in pointing out that this section may confuse some anglers. Thank you for elucidating. Maybe you should forward your proposed changes to Drew.
Thanks for the info Amy
Your wording is much easier to understand.