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[font "Arial"][#000000][size 2]I’ve been derelict in my posting lately… I figure I’ve not much to add with my version of “Hey, I dun catched a nudder hundert white bass!” Since a few others feel differently, I’ll do some catching up on some recent trips to Utah Lake. One might believe that unless a report is extremely recent it is not very useful. However, for me the fishing at Utah Lake has remained about the same for the last month. Even with the drop in temps recently, every trip has been a 100+ fish day.[/size][/#000000][/font]
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[font "Arial"][#000000][size 2]I was hoping to pick up where I left off last Summer and I could go for cats outside the reeds on the North East end with some confidence. But… the cats have proved elusive for me throwing bait under a bobber in the shallow water. (Oh wait, even shallow water has been harder to find this summer! [crazy]) Each time I’d hope to catch cats, I’d catch bass… “When in Rome” I suppose, glad to go with the flow.
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[font "Arial"][#000000][size 2]Each trip I’ve tried to take a young boy – or someone not so young - that had never experienced the thrill of catching fish in such numbers. We’d usually catch our first slow electric trolling with some kind of spinner before we got 20 yards out of the Lindon Marina. I’m not sure if it gives the parents or the child the bigger Smiles. (Talk amongst yourselves and get back with me.)[/size][/#000000][/font]
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[font "Arial"][#000000][size 2]We’d then head along the edge of the reeds bordering the lake proper, and if I found a little “bay” of reeds where there was some protection from the wind, I’d usually find fish. If one was caught, others of us would cast in the same spot and eventually we’d be lucky enough to find a school. It never ceases to amaze me how large numbers of bass will be bunched up in a 10 square foot area, but cast two feet away from that there would be zilch!

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[font "Arial"][#000000][size 2]Interestingly, while I’d often see bank tanglers catch fish, it sure seemed to me that the schools were just out of reach where a boat was needed. As we’d have triples, one good natured tangler was heard to shout “You’re screwing your kids up you know. They’ll think it’s like this all the time!” But I think we are all due for some spoiling once in a while with stellar fishing conditions.[/size][/#000000][/font]
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[font "Arial"][#000000][size 2]Staying in one spot and waiting for the fish to come to me doesn’t make much sense. Or maybe that’s not my fishing sense but a rationalization for my attention deficit. However, once the boat was anchored over a school, the fish seem to take shelter under the boat. No casting in those situations was needed – or even reeling in! My brother remarked "This is like fishing in a bath tub..." Maybe the fishies would think twice if they were smart enough to realize that it was causing their friends to disappear, or, maybe they could tell of their survival story of a harrowing experience when we returned so many back to their schoolmates.[/size][/#000000][/font]

[font "Arial"][#000000][size 2]It's gratifying to see brothers cooperating and helping each other on a great fishing day.[/size][/#000000][/font]
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[font "Arial"][#000000][size 2]On sunny days and clearer water, I’ve tended to go with a white lure. Curly tail grubs have been a good choice along with spinners. But given that some afternoons have had some monster high winds the water has been as murky as I’ve ever seen it. Then I’d go with red and chartreuse. Also in murky situations, sometimes the bass hug the bottom, and bouncing my lure off the bottom back to the boat is what wakes ‘em up.
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[font "Arial"][#000000][size 2]If the previous days have had calm weather, a few cats could be had in the same areas. Nobody will ever convince me that cats only go for horrifyingly smelly things soaking on the bottom. I have several busted spinners with bent hooks reeled in at a fair pace that have fooled some channels[/size][/#000000][/font]
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[font "Arial"][#000000][size 2] OK, anyone that’s ever been to a rock concert knows that there is one thing that is inevitable. It’s never a matter of if, but when a drum solo WILL happen. The same thing goes with young boys and a dip in the lake when there’s a lull in the fish action.[/size][/#000000][/font]

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[font "Arial"][#000000][size 2]Once the school thinned out or skedaddle elsewhere we’d move on and troll again. One time a cloud cover set in and the wind kicked up and my pole bent like I just hooked a log. “Back up the boat!” I shouted to my brother quickly loosening my drag so my line didn’t break. He said “It’s just a snag,” but I knew otherwise. I was fortunate to bring in this nice 24” walleye.
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[font "Arial"][#000000][size 2]I tell ya, these little homemade pony head lures can catch anything. The flash and the vibration make it my go to lure quite often. [/size][/#000000][/font]
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[font "Arial"][#000000][size 2]I wonder, would you kiss your mother if you had a mug like this? (Boy, someday I hope to catch a musky and see firsthand how their teeth compare. But I digress…)

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[font "Arial"][#000000][size 2]On the cuter side, cats to me are the “Barney the Dinosaur” of fresh water. “I love them… they love me…” I might find myself singing as I fill up the smoker… (Hmmmm, what rhymes with smoker?)[/size][/#000000][/font]

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[font "Arial"][#000000][size 2]One afternoon my brother and I found a spot that I’ve never experienced fish so numerous or ravenous. I felt like we were fishing for piranhas. It didn’t feel very sporting, so we’d cast out and as soon as the lure hit the water we’d reel in as fast as we could to try NOT to catch a fish. Man, it was hard! So, we did our own “Mythbusters” test, and yep – we both caught bass on bare hooks. Yes, really! The ONLY thing that didn’t catch fish was to hold the lure out of the water and try to get the fish to jump for them.
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[font "Arial"][#000000][size 2]Each trip I’d head out and I would wonder how lightning could possibly strike yet again and have another good white bass trip. I’d hope for the best for my fishing guests and feel some internal pressure not to disappoint, but still preparing them for anything. It takes some hunting, but fortunately we haven’t been let down yet. The only question was if there would be cats that wanted to play too. This time they did. [/size][/#000000][/font]
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[font "Arial"][#000000][size 2]Funny how in any group there is an oddball, (I’ve oft been accused of being one myself), and amidst the bass this rebel individual allowed my oldest son to finally catch his first bluegill.
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[font "Arial"][#000000][size 2]Most trips have provided enough fun that we’ve been off the water before rush hour, but a few days ago my youngest son was also experiencing his best catching day ever, so we stayed till later. But once the sun went behind the West mountains it was like someone turned on a switch and as well as the tables. We went from predators to prey. Aaaaaaaugh!!!! I’m so allergic to mosquitoes!!!! (Note to self, pack extra clothing for the boys that provide mosquito protection cuz they don’t always remember to do what I tell them. However, it did provide for some interesting and creative fashion options with a flannel checkered shirt. Doubtful this will become a hot trend, unless it’s by Lady Ga Ga.)[/size][/#000000][/font]
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[font "Arial"][#000000][size 2]Lastly, another thing that never ceases to amaze me is how very small bass go for very large lures… Maybe the desire to over achieve spans across species and at times we are not so different... [/size][/#000000][/font][inline JustinWalleye2.jpg]

Cheers everyone! [Smile]
That white ponyhead lure looks strangely familiar. Smile

Nice job with your variety catch!
Great report.....that Utah Lake never seems to disappoint the White Bass angler. Those white bass fight well for their size! Glad to see some Walleye coming out of that lake. Thanks for your post.
Great report. I love Utah Lake. You are making some great memories for those young-lings for sure!
[quote lavaman]That white ponyhead lure looks strangely familiar.[/quote]

Yep, I've been one 'o TubeDude's tacklecraft students for a while. I've learned to make a lot of different kinds, but keep going back to a few favorites.

I'd love to believe that it doesn't make a difference, but sometimes it does! And, it does add to the appeal of catching to do it one something I made myself.
[quote Roghet][quote lavaman]That white ponyhead lure looks strangely familiar.[/quote]

Yep, I've been one 'o TubeDude's tacklecraft students for a while. I've learned to make a lot of different kinds, but keep going back to a few favorites.

I'd love to believe that it doesn't make a difference, but sometimes it does! And, it does add to the appeal of catching to do it one something I made myself.[/quote]

Oh for sure. I've been partial to TD's craft for years now. That white one is the sure-fire 'can't miss' go-to lure. Caught a TM on it once by vertical jigging.
Great post and photos. And the kids are now hooked on fishing, good job.
I always enjoy reading your posts, Roghet. Your boys must enjoy getting out with the old man instead of doing whatever it is the kids do for fun nowadays (pogs? Pokemon?)
Is mr gaga there the "we're going to need a bigger boat" kid?
and, you know, you look much different from your avatar. Your hand is much smaller.....[Wink]
[quote lavaman]Caught a TM on it once by vertical jigging.[/quote]

There now - ya done gone and did it, after swearing me to secrecy! Cats out of the bag, or the net - so to speak.

Nice going Roger. That's wicked that you get into SO many fish and keep the action happening. That UL - those silly white bass! We used to jig for ocean perch in Florida - with nothing but strings of gold hooks. Seem to recall lots and lots of bites - vertical off a dock.

[center]Joker, Smoker - Midnight Toker.
Just ask SteveM.
Great report. Wish I could have been there.
Thanks for the great fish-tails!
[quote CoyoteSpinner][quote lavaman]Caught a TM on it once by vertical jigging.[/quote]

There now - ya done gone and did it, after swearing me to secrecy! Cats out of the bag, or the net - so to speak.


HaHa Shhhhhh
[font "Arial"][#000000][size 2][quote joshomaru]Your boys must enjoy getting out with the old man instead of doing whatever it is the kids do for fun nowadays
Is mr gaga there the "we're going to need a bigger boat" kid? [/quote][/size][/#000000][/font]

Y'know, folks often say "If I could just get "X" into some fish, it might turn him/her on to fishing." But I just dunno if that's true. I wonder if a person just has the personality for the sport or not. And if they do, is getting on a ton of fish really the draw? If it is, then a lot of fishing days are going to be a disappointment. [:p]

My oldest LOVES to fish, and he's got a keen knack for it. But "Mr. GaGa" there, he's into active sports and gets bored VERY easily. He enjoys it when we get on fish, but is never really wanting to go out. Though, if I had a bigger boat and he could get into water skiing... it would be different! Before we "need a bigger boat" - I'd need a bigger INCOME! [angelic]
Cool pics Roghet. I honestly believe the dominant class of white bass that have been eating our lures are closer to 12 and 13 inches this time of year. During the spawn on the west side of the lake, the 12 incher was an exception. Are you finding the same to be true on your 100+ fish days?

Tell your son wagdog says congrats on his first bluegill...well, I have some good news and bad news. The bad news. That isn't a pure bluegill. The good news. That is an even more rare Utah Lake catch. That is a bluegill/green sunfish hybrid! Now I know a lot of anglers don't give a crap about that at all but these fish are sooooooooo cool. You get the anger and ferocity of a bluegill with the mouth size of a green sunfish. In some parts of the country, bluegill/green sunfish hybrids can reach a couple of pounds. Anyhow, tell him that is a way cool fish to catch...and eat!
[cool][#0000ff]Some folks are never happy. Last year you were slammin' the cats but couldn't get into numbers of white bass...and were whining about that.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]I'm sure that you are just pleased as can be that you are able to keep the rods bent and the younguns smiling. [/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Keep up the good work.[/#0000ff]
[font "Arial"][#000000][size 2][quote wagdog]Cool pics Roghet. I honestly believe the dominant class of white bass that have been eating our lures are closer to 12 and 13 inches this time of year. . Are you finding the same to be true on your 100+ fish days? [/quote][/size][/#000000][/font]

Yep! I've never caught them in such numbers - nor in such size! [Smile]

[font "Arial"][#000000][size 2][quote wagdog]
Tell your son wagdog says congrats on his first bluegill...well, I have some good news and bad news. The bad news. That isn't a pure bluegill. That is a bluegill/green sunfish hybrid! Anyhow, tell him that is a way cool fish to catch...and eat![/quote][/size][/#000000][/font]

Thanks, and I sure will! Makes me wish I looked at it closer and I'll have to educate myself further. And there's more "good news" cuz we had our fill of white bass for the table and that hybrid was released to swim again.
[quote TubeDude][cool][#0000ff]Some folks are never happy. Last year you were slammin' the cats but couldn't get into numbers of white bass...and were whining about that.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]I'm sure that you are just pleased as can be that you are able to keep the rods bent and the younguns smiling. [/#0000ff][#0000ff][/#0000ff][/quote]

Darn straight! That's the ole' "necessary artistic dissatisfaction" in me! B'sides, what's that people say about the secret of how to be happy - to always want what you don't have? Maybe I'm Confused... [:p] I'm always pushing to figure out what I don't know. And what I don't know is voluminous. But, a bit less voluminous every year, at least at Utah Lake.

I'm still clueless about finding cats on the flats. I'm wondering about a Fall trip to the Knolls. Hmmmm... maybe we could figure out how to rig our jigs with a little C4. [img]../../../images/gforum/Tongue.gif[/img]

But yep, I'm smiling, and so are m' boys. It's going to be hard to go to other waters and be satisfied with less, but there are always other challenges for another day.
Great Post Rog!
That ultra big last shot of yours doesn't look so much like a bass, as a yummy looking Walleye!

Anyone see the[url ";forum_view=forum_view_collapsed;page=unread#unread"] Idaho Record Walleye [/url]catch?
I was gonna ask if he released it, just so I could get beat up on.

Not sure, but I think YOUR beast might just match up! Are they still good eating when THAT big? [sly]

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[quote wagdog] Tell your son wagdog says congrats on his first bluegill...well, I have some good news and bad news. The bad news. That isn't a pure bluegill. The good news. That is an even more rare Utah Lake catch. That is a bluegill/green sunfish hybrid! Now I know a lot of anglers don't give a crap about that at all but these fish are sooooooooo cool. You get the anger and ferocity of a bluegill with the mouth size of a green sunfish. In some parts of the country, bluegill/green sunfish hybrids can reach a couple of pounds. Anyhow, tell him that is a way cool fish to catch...and eat![/quote]

I am the "oldest son" that my father Roger keeps talking about, and so on behalf of, well, myself [Tongue] Thank for the congrats! The fish in question didn't quite look like the bluegill that I have seen in the past, but I didn't think much of it at the time. I was much too busy trying to outfish my younger and older counterparts [Wink] You could consider me one of the fisherman that "gives a crap" about catching unique fish. Now I can add bluegill/sunfish hybrid to my list of fish I know about, and subsequently put a big "check" by it [Smile]
[cool][#0000ff]Welcome aboard young man. Glad you decided to join up and jump in. You are becoming quite the dedicated angler and seem to be doing quite well. Maybe you can help teach your dad a few things.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Gotta get you guys over for a session on making some new ice fishing stuff.[/#0000ff]
You inspired me. After reading your post, my daughter and I had a little bit of time and hit the Lindon marina. We got a bunch of 4" ones. I guess we need a boat to get the biggies. It was fun anyway. Still looking to get a walleye there and my 1st cats of the year.