Fished the Berry Thursday afternoon. Ran into a couple real nice guys at the boat ramp who didn't have any luck all day. That and the gloomy looking clouds did not make the outlook very good for the day. We launched and headed over towards the ladders area.
My buddy tossed out a white tube jig while I rigged up my fly rod. He caught his first fish, a nice 18" rainbow, on his third cast. Its so nice to see good size bows again!
We fished in water from 15 to 6 feet deep always casting towards shore.
Fishing 2 1/2 hours we landed 3 nice rainbows and 4 cutts from 19-23". Missed a ton more.
I was catching them on a gray and white bunny streamer. Here's a video of the prototype RexFly casting system in action on a nice Strawberry Cutt.
Welcome to bft!
That is a neat set up, but I don't understand the "why." Can you explain the purpose and benefits?
thanks and word.....
Interesting set up. I really like the bird sounds in the back ground. added an extra element to the video. Greb voices from the berry, nice!
I was up there last week end and the fish are shallow. Caught a dozen rainbow and about the same in cutts. Most my cutts were in 58 ft water vertical jiging but the bows and some cuts wer in 9 to 14'. The cutts deep were a job to find but were nice 20" ones.
Welcome and thanks for the post. I appreciate anyone who's willing to take the time/effort to add pics or vids to a post, or even a post in general. Sounds like you had a good day out, and some nice fish.
Don't think I quite get the point either though. Seems kinda awkward to reel against your chest - unnatural, but suppose if you get used to it. Maybe more vertical support so it doesn't bob up and down so. Dunno.
You might want to read the[url ";forum_view=forum_view_collapsed;page=unread#unread"] New Member Forum Guidelines[/url], and the FAQ. There's a policy about adding links - you should have 15 posts first. Think it's a protection against spam - notion. Is this a "product" your advertising? Or just showing off an innovative gadget.
Don't get me wrong - we like gadgets. Many members are quite creative and come up with all kinds of neat gizmos. Keep up the good work, look forward to more posts and ideas.
The advantage is primarily in casting. Without the weight of the reel on your rod, you are able to cast lighter and easier. You can generate greater line speed and cast all day long.
If you fly fish, try it out for yourself. Next time you are out casting, take your fly reel off you rod and put it in your pocket. Feel how easy it is to cast.
You also will never wrap your line around your reel again as we've all done countless times. It can also be used as a rod holder so you have both hands free to tie on leader or fly.