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Full Version: How about them Bronco's!!
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That friggin Plummer reminds me of Joe Montana when he was hot. That bootleg play he did in the 1st quarter when the whole field went right and he spun left and ran a TD in was Beautiful! [sly]

I can definetley see them going back to Superbowl![Wink]

What does Colorado think?
I dont know if there are many coloradoians here,

I can tell ya they sure have the lions beat! but so dose a wet papper bag, lol.

there seem to be alot of bootlegging going on these days, its the only way any one is going to win these games. the lions havent figured that out yet. and that is why the lions give up the most turn arounds on the leuge. the other teams know it and know their plays better than the team, and that is why there are so may enerceptions by the oposing teams against the lions. (they are still the only game in town here in detriot so I will still root for them, I just wont put my money on them, lol)

the bronks are looking good from where I sit, but I dont know if I would be putting my money on them for the supper bowl. I kinda am leaning twards minnasota or new england. posibly dallas, I may change my mind in a couple weeks after the injuries start rolling in.
[cool] That Bronco story is starting to look mighty sweet to me. I thought that this would be the last year that I would even consider rooting for the Niners. Although it is early in the season as Dave mentioned, the Niners are aleady letting me down. Oh well. That's why they invented fishing. If you don't like the team that's playing, then go soak a worm or a chovie.
I'm a Utah Bronco fan all the way! I'd love to go live in Denver some day!! yeah go Broncos!!! I agree they are doing well this year, but they have yet to go up against any real threat. The teams they have played this year so far have all been sissies, including the Lions this Sunday. To really see whether we are good enough to go to the Super Bowl this year we need to test our strength against some teams that actually pose a challenge.


[cool] That's because they finally got to see the other side of the coin[Tongue] haa haaaha ahaa
Good point. I think we'll stand up to the tough teams just as well as the pansies like the Raiders, but I just hold off a bit until we play someone with a winning record.


[size 2]I still remember when John Elway stood up on the stage and held the trophy up. Even though I wasn't a big Denver fan or Colorado I still was really happy to see him take his team to and win the Superbowl! Twice[Wink][/size]
The Broncos haven't played anyone good yet.

Cincinnatti - Need I say more
San Diego - Suck as usual
Oakland - Playing like crap right now
Detroit - Suck as usual

After Detroit you guys have your first real test.
(KC, Pittsburgh, Minnesota, Baltimore, then New England)
Then we'll see how good Plummer and the rest of the Broncos are.

So I hope your tickets to Houston in January are refundable. Cause this team doesn't look any different then other Broncos teams of last few years.
Strong starters, fast faders.

GO RAIDERS!!!!!! Barret Robbins is Back!!!!!


[size 2]Gannon is a cry baby. He is not a leader[crazy][/size]
Are you serious?!! Is that the best you got.

Come on "fishfather" bring it!


[size 2]Like I said he is Capt Bligh! Always yelling at his teammates, " Swab the deck matees!" and Rice #80 is that his age![Wink][/size]

[size 2]Actually I was a 49er fan back in the Montana and Young years so I like Rice[cool]. [/size]

[size 2]Even though it looks like he has a spider on his head![crazy] [/size]

And I must say, that statement has to be the dictonary definition of BAND WAGON
How old is Rod Smith? Nice punch old man[pirate]

Gannon isn't a cry baby. If Plummer had an O Line that wasn't blocking for him and receivers dropping passes, I'm sure he would still have that stupid Smile on his face.

Ignorance is Bliss!

So anyway I'm not here to argue that the Raiders are better, cause right now they suck. And if they went 0-16 I would still be a fan of theirs.
I am just trying to keep it real.

If the Broncos can win the next 5 after the Lions then I'll shut up (for awhile)

And I wish Jerry Ryice would shave that thing off his head...
Too Milly Vanillyish
I bet if the "Old Raiders" went 0-16 you would hide your face and not let anyone know you were a fan. You probablly jumped onboard last year like everyone else and now all those fair weather fans are jumping off. I bleed orange and blue wether we win or lose, once a true bronco fan always a bronco fan. Speaking of O-Lines, you could put anyone behind our line and they would make them great. (Clinton Portis, Mike Anderson Terril Davis, Olandis Gary, Gaston Greene to name a few) Except maybe Charlie Garner or Zach Crockett. To bad Al Davis doesn't give his old players the "Just Win Baby" speech instead of the "Just Whine Babies" they are getting from Rich Gannon.


[size 3]GO DENVER![/size]

[size 3][Image: Crybaby.jpg][/size]

[Image: lmmfao.jpg]
I agree the Broncos haven't played anyone good yet. Although I like Pittsburgh, I really don't think you could put them in the same category right now as KC, Denver, Minnesota, etc. They haven't done that well this year.

hmmmmmm, lets talk the big show, the one that matters.

Raiders 5 Super bowl appearences 3 wins 2 losses

Donkeys 6 Super Bowl appearences 2 wins 4 losses

You guys may want to rethink the "faiders" comments
LOL. I would take Gannon anyday over Jake Plummer. Give me Garner anyday over portis. Yes, Portis may be a great running back, but Garner is just as good at running and he can catch the ball so he's a double threat. I dont hate you because you are a broncs fan, we can only blame the parents. I'm sure I equal you on the bleeding thing. The Broncs are looking good, but they are unproven as of right now. My Raiders are in horrible dismay after their dismantling at the super bowl last year. If the broncs can get through the next 4 games and win a few, they may very well go to the big show..

of course they will probably choke again[Tongue][Smile]

Sorry, Plummer just dont have it in him.


[size 2]Plummer will be one of the top quarterbacks end year. Bank on it! Gannon's numbers are at the worst of his NFL career right now for starting a new season. Even John Madden pointed that out when they got whiped Monday![shocked][/size]
I dont think he can handle the hype. Just like when he went to AZ and was supposed to do all thse great things for the team. I hold him on the same level as Brad Johnson.