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Full Version: junk in the canal
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headed out to scout out a spot last night with the little lady and tried to get down a familiar canal. I was pretty proud of my little scavenger motor blasting through the junk until we hit a bottleneck with 2' thick marsh crap. Thud. We were done. Tried to dig it out in front of us but to no avail, this stuff was thick enough to walk on! We ended up dragging the boat backwards 30 yards until we could turn it around. How many of you guys are married to a woman that would drag a boat out of this mess and STILL be stoked for the opener? I'm a lucky man

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YOUR A LUCKY MAN![Wink][cool]
Man it's really gotten thick in there. Guess I will just have to drag the boat over it. looks like I know where I will be hunting all by myself on the opener [sly] I will try to blow a hole in it on the way out so we can hunt it later together. Now you know what I was saying about stopping you dead in your tracks.I had a 16' with a hyper 27 on my tail going out on the youth hunt that got stuck right there and it wasn't half that bad. there is a reason I went lite weight along time ago.
[inline EndOf_The_AirboatChannel1.JPG]
you're right, light is a neccesity in stuff like that, may have to look into a scanoe....
anyway they've had the cows out north of the turpin unit and have been spraying the phrag, lots of dead stuff in between the cow trails, hope their strategies work cause there's still lots left to kill!
Really they sprayed and grazed north of turpin out on the lake bed? I thought they didn't give a rats ass about outside the WMA? at least that's the way I looked at it because I have not seen any where out there that anything is dieing, just expanding. hope your right it would be nice to see it all dead. [:/]
Oh and no you don't need a scanoe they are junky plastic boats that are not fit for hunting ducks.[sly][Wink]
whats your boat then?
LOL! it's a scanoe. [sly] Just messing with ya. That RamX material stands up to allot of punishment and I have broken threw Ice up to an 1 1/2 thick with it late season with no problem,I guess not really breaking threw but the boat is so light it gets up on top of it and the weight of the load of two guys and all the gear breaks the ice. some have thought I was crazy for trying it but that feeling goes away when where shooting greenies with there feet down. And at times when it get a little to thick and the weight wont break the ice it makes for a great sled that slides easy on ice and snow. much easier that packing all the gear that we take.