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Full Version: it worked well for me....
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I played around with a pattern a few years ago on several lakes and reserviors in the northern half of utah.
I have had quite a bit of sucess with this pattern and I would like to pass it on for others to try and comment on when they try it.

I call it an emerger pattern....I think it may serve well to immitate calabatius(sp?) or pale morning dun emergers.

the pattern is very simple to tie....which is important to making a great fly popular. Here is the receipe.....

hook......16 or 14 scud style hook(short shank curved hook)
body.....danville 6/0 or 3/0 olive thread wrapped up and down the shank and slightly down the curve of the hook (do this three times to build the body)
wing emergence....partrige or dove feather tying it in and drawing it down to leave only 1/4 inch showning.
hackle.......mallard flank(place just tips of a single feather around the shank and tying it in with the tips of the feather just touching the point of the hook.....

Its that simple.....but I think the key is to fish it with a leech pattern ahead of it to attract....

I hope you have as much sucess as I have....
Sounds good. Any pictures?
Yes, show us a picture! Do you fish it wet, or as an emerger in the surface film? I assume wet because you said you trailed it behind a bugger. If it represents an emerger, it should work in the film too I'd guess.
Yes I fish it wet. I usually fish it on an intermediate sinking line(as that is my "go to" line when fishing lakes. )
I will try and get a picture taken with my phone and down load....
here is a couple of pictures of the flies I described in the above post,
NICE! So basically a softhackle/wet fly with an over wing.,,,,,,,,,,,,
Was going to say the same thing Joni. I bet you could swing that on rivers pretty effectively.

Thanks for the pics cast-tothe-left.
good job! looks like a fish catcher to me