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Full Version: Getting the Steelhead Bug
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The cooler weather has been moving in during the morning and evenings and has gotten the steelheader in me a bit antsy. The only problem is that between work and school I'm not sure I'll get out much this fall. Sure hope I can make some time.

It may be a bit early, but is anybody else getting the bug?
Living here in Salmon has me itching really bad. I have been down below Shoup twice already this month. Once we went all the way to corn creek and fished our way back to Shoup. No steelhead yet for me, but I have heard of a few being caught. I plan on going to at least Shoup this weekend. I really wanted to put a notch in my tag in September, but it just didn't happen. It is looking like it should be a great year. I can't wait for them to get here.
Oh man do I ever have the steelhead bug.. I haven't been in a couple years and this year I really have an itching to go.. I am usually at ebineezer the big white canvis tent... that has been there pretty much ever year for the past 10years that is ours.. right at the ebineezer camp ground. Wont be there this year as if I do go will probly only be myself and my kids n wife... many some one else.. I am ready for them though..
How can't you have the BUG? I work night and when it is getting cooler in the evening and early mornings when I have to be up early to make it to school. I get that feeling like I should be up on the Salmon fishing. It is about time for me to go back through my gear for about the hundreth time, making sure that everything is in it's place. I don't know if I am going to make it up very much this fall. Work and school and family have me tied down pretty tight and my steelhead buddy told me today that he can't afford to go out this fall. This season might be a lot of dreaming about catching that big one. But good luck to everyone that does make the trip.