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Full Version: How many lures do you have and do you need them all?
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I've gone on other fishing sites and have heard people say they have over 100 lures but is it necessary?

Is it more about having a collection?
is it nessisary?

absolultly not.

beleive me when I tell you, that if a bass master spent his time tieing on a hundred different lures, he would never have his line in the water long enough to catch a fish.[:p]

truthfuly, all you need you can cary in your shirt pocket.

do I have a hundred lures, no, unless you want to count my ice fishing jigs. some lures or rigs I make my self. and my lures are for all seasons, and most of wich are simple teardrops for ice fishing. I probably have a hundred of those alone. I never go ice fishing with less than half dozen, but I do have my go to ones that get used all the time, so I have to have half dozen replacements for those. it is easy to loose half dozen in a day. I try not to loose any, but I do ice fish next to guys who loose a dozen every time they go out.

years a go, a boy was lucky to have a diaper pin and a peice of string to tie on the end of a stick and they managed to bring in fair for the table.

there is nothing wrong with having a show case of lures. my neighbor has close to 500 lures in half dozen boxes to wich he takes out every time he goes. Dose he use them all, no, but he dose have fun showing them off. That makes him happy, and if that part of the fishing experience intises him that is great.

If I could afford to have 500 lures, you can bet I would. most would never leave the package but they are fun to look at.

so in short, do you realy need a hundred lures, no, all you need is a hook a line and a stick. but if having a hundred lures makes you happy.. Well a man has to have a hobbie, and it beats having a collection of a hundred cats. [:p]
I totally agree with daveT. You'll have backups of your favorite ones that work for you, but depending on type of fishing you'll do that day will determine what to take. A lot of my hard baits I've thought would work great but don't for our area.
Find out what works for you and have a spare.

Is it more about having a collection?[/quote] ,actually its more like having an addiction. Till this day I look forward to the time I must get a new lure.. I like to get all or most of the sizes my favorite lures come in.If you have too many,just look and see witch ones you hardly use and retire them for a while. Its better to be stuck at the lake with too many lures than with nearly none at all,Paulpro
I have very few lures. I'm a live/natural bait kind of guy. My favorite and most prized lure, however, is a beetle spin. Probably caught more fish off that single lure than anything. I use gamakatsu jig heads and berkely power bait tails on them. [cool]

Other than that, i've got a couple different lures I use in saltwater, but still, on a hand full. All natural/live bait.
I have about 5 of each type.

5 cranks .. 1 shallow shad, 1 medium, a rapala broken back minnow and a deep running red craw.

15 spinner baits. mostly white and black with different blades, and a couple of chartreuse.

20 sinko worms, greenish red and dark green. about 50 other worms of different sizes and colors.

5 buzzbaits, different colors but I've tested it and when the bass are hitting the buzz they will hit any color.

50 or more 1/4oz jigs various colors used for bass,crappie and bream.

5 Inline spinners different colors for trout fishing northern arkansas.

all fits into one of the small double sided Plano tackle box.
I finally took some pictures of my terminal tackle,and my favorite live bait...Thanks for the post! [url ""][/url]
I have 100's but it's because when we find one that works we get different colors and sizes and multiples of each 'cause you never know when they will discontinue the ones you like. Plus we make many lures of our own. My friend is always creating something new. If they work well I make some. We have boxes with the things to make lures in. My kids and grandkids will reap plenty of poles and lures when I move on. Can you say "Big garage sale"? Crazy huh?
that is the truth about discontinued lures.

when I think about all the lures I had as a kid that were discontinued I can kick my self...