I was just wondering if anyone could tell me which lake was first stocked with Muskie in Utah. I know it took place back in the 90's and I was thinking that Pineview got the first planting, but I was told that Newton actually received the first muskies.[fishin]
Per a very reliable DWR source who was involved:
"It was Pineview. 1989 was the initial introduction with 7" fish from Washington state. It was thought that most of those fish died and the program almost died w/ them at that time. The regional manager and I lobbied to try it again w/ smaller fish raised at Wahweap hatchery; those were put in at 3-4" in late spring 1991. I found substantial evidence of survival of those fish in the fall of 1991 and the rest is history..."
So when did they go to the hatcheries in the MidWest to pick up the little ones for stocking? I guess I always thought that they came from Minnesota or Wis. hatcheries. Thanks for the info I didn't know you were involved with this from the beginning, good on ya kiddo.[fishin]
Hiya Pete...I believe it was after these initial stockings is when they started with MN and WI, and more recently from SD and NE especially when looking for a VHS disease free fingerlings.
LOL you know I'm a continual student and especially with these fish research and read all we can especially wrt the Utah TM program. We've contacted the DWR POCs on the TM program numerous times throughout our research to learn all we can.
So not only lots and lots and did I say lots of hours on the water chasing them but also lots and lots and again lots of reading and research and contacting folks in the know.
I heard they finally have TM they can breed in UTAH now. So no longer need to be getting them from back east. I know TM can't reproduce but however they do it they have started in UTAH finally.
I'm just curious why the smaller fingerlings worked better than the larger ones. I would have thought the opposite. Interesting info.
TM are a hybrid between a pike and true muskie they are a sterile fish they don't breed. The DWR was able to use the Pike milt and true musky eggs or visa versa can't remember and attempted to raise their own TM. It was going really good...the fish hatched and were doing great... but unfortunately all the TM fry they had at Lee Kay Ponds expired. It was believed per my DWR contact it was a combination of things food and possibly water temp and other enviromental factors such as birds and they covered these ponds with nets but again the TM the DWR had all died...but they haven't given up the ship and are using these lessons of this past year to learn. I'm sure the DWR Utah will crack the code and will using these lessons will try again.
Great question and this one was also asked...the reason was when they planted in 1989 it was later in the season low water and no protection meaning places for these fish to hide even though bigger they still must seek cover...the DWR POC indicated it was due to enviromental conditions low water, including water temps and birds.
Next pike and true muskies spawn in the spring when the water is high/cool etc with places for fingerlings to seek protection and also feed. Thats why back in true Pike Musky waters in late Apr-sometime in May you can't fish for them...even tossing a Musky/Pike lure will get one if caught a stiff fine. Note when the DWR stocks they always stock the TM fingerlings for the most part in areas that have substantial structure for cover.
This information was again given to us as we seeked to gain all the knowledge we could on this fish from various DWR employees in the progarm at the time and some are no longer involved in the TM program but where the POCs in the beginning and a great wealth of knowledgeable information. Including all we've gleaned on Al Gore's internet...through hours of research.
K2muskie......thanks for all the cool info really! Very interesting and appreciated!!!!
Sorry - POC = ???
So was it the Wiper program or the Musky program that had I thought an issue where they HAD a batch of hybrids by then had an issue with - was it Whirling disease?
I was surprised that the Wiper stocking at Willard was so late for such small fry. Would have expected those little guys earlier - like when the false spawn was on, or a bit after I guess.
So the Eastern Pike waters have regs like some of our protected Walleye spawn. That's good.
Wonder - do the Pike at Yuba breed on their own? Do we have other Pike waters in Utah? I hear a lot about the TMs, but not so much Pike.
Thanks for the info. Surprised TD doesn't have a historical writeup on this (yet). Maybe when he's done with the Utah Lake book...
Do you guys get up to Newton, or pretty focused on Pineview? Been thinking I should give PV a fall visit. Do they still have ski-boats ripping around out there?
POC = Point of Contact
Yep Pike in Yuba will breed just need the daddy and mama happens early spring and can reach the reproductive age in a year to make them lil ones.
Yep there other other Pike waters here's one.
[url "http://www.sltrib.com/sltrib/outdoors/52132063-117/recapture-pike-bass-fish.html.csp"]http://www.sltrib.com/sltrib/outdoors/52132063-117/recapture-pike-bass-fish.html.csp[/url]
Nope don't fish Newton on the soft water...have visited on the hard deck...fun little place to ice fish. We focus on PV.
Yep rec boaters still on PV but not nearly the masses. They will be on PV in wet suits till say water temp gets to 45* and less have seen some in the last part of November.
i did alot of fishing in michigan in my younger days. the bass season closed first of january till april i think? and pike closed first of febuary till may maybe. not sure on the opening dates. just remember it was always frustrasting to fish for pike in january and catch nice bass you couldnt get to bite in december lol