09-29-2011, 09:00 AM
Launched at WT Ramp at 6:20pm, hooted at The KID-he was feathering his brood nest of fish like an Osprey on a daymarker, he is a friendly fisher of men and always willing to share his daily report on the specs, nice guy. Blasted off straight line to Lowe's Slough and circled a 4ft sandbar real hard, shut down the Maddog Merc and grabbed a rod, ran the baitfish up on the hump and the whites were on queue schooling on my command, I felt like a maestro at the opera. The fish stayed up feeding and diving into an adjacent 9ft ditch that we could also reach, caught the first twenty keepers for the workers at the car wash and then lost count . Probably had 60 or more whites , 30 yellow bellies and 3- 2.5LM within a solid hour of beatdown casting and reeling, tonight was a fish EVERY cast , lost count of the doubles after a dozen. Tried a little bit of video, dont know if it will load . One Great Hour of fishing for my 'boys of summer' thats why GO FISHIN>>>>>The Mad Dog