Fishing Forum

Full Version: ditchdoc666, CHICK, BASS, 9-27-11, SON AND GRANDSON
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My son is home on leave for two weeks from Iraq and has been wanting to beat dad up in a family tx so we grabbed my grandson and all three of us took off today for a money and bragging rights tx on the chic. Started out around 11am at cfp and ran up river to some of my pets that have been in the deep grass lately and my son caught the first keeper on a big swimbait in 24ft emoBang Ithought ,great ,he is gonna put a whooping on me but as all good milk is when you shake it the cream rises to the top!! emoWorthy we ended the day with 13 keepers and i was culling some of the smaller ones in my livewell side and had a 6# kicker fish to put the icing on the cake with him. we caught fish on swimbait,s/b,and the kicker came on my favorite 1/2oz blue jig with zoom trailer,fall fishing is picking up and bait is moving to where they are supposed to be,this was a great day with my grandson and son before he has to go back to the desert to protect everything we have emoUSA Thanks Shawn for all you do and am so proud of you!!!! DAD RULES!!!!!!!!