Fishing Forum

Full Version: MrWiskers, Riverpark, Cats, cats and more cats, 9-29-2011, AlvinC
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<br /> Alvin and I hit the Riverpark this afternoon to get a trip in before the cold fronts move in. Figured the fish would be on like last Sunday, but no. Some big to do was going on at the Riverpark and all of the trailor parking was illegally taken up by cars so we had to ride ove to Rivermont to put in. While Alvin was parking the truck I noticed large schools of fish in the deep hole in front of the Rivermont ramp. We started fishing there and Alvin nails a nice 12" crappie on a drop shot minnow almost as soon as he got his bait in the water. Thought we were going to get into a mess of them but one little bluegill later we decided to move. Marked a ton of fish, just could not get them to eat. <br /> Headed down to our usual flat and started catching cats right off. Ended up boating 11 blues, 3 channels, and 2 google eyes in about 3 hours. No bass today which was odd. I lost another cat on a pig n jig and Alvin broke one off on a DS. All fish today came on drop shot 4" Gulp minnow. The current was wide open all evening and the water was high which normally turns some bass on but not today. Water temp is still 76 but this will change big time this weekend. Perfect evening weather wise.