10-03-2011, 09:00 AM
#2 Son came home from college and wanted to go fishing Friday. He slept in so we did not get on the water until around noon! LOL! Anyone else remember those days! emoLaugh We put in at River Park ramp and ran pass the railroad bridge to the dam. Threw a few different lures but did not catch anything until switched to a float and fly and caught some skipjacks! lots of fun with the skippies but not what we were after. Flow was really strong and the trolling motor was really struggling so we cranked the big motor and I let the boy catch some while I held the boat steady in the current. Got tired of not fishing so suggested we go down river and look for spots, LM and smallies. Did not catch any smallies but did manage a few spots and one decent LM. The LM was short but like a barrel and would go 2.5 lbs easy. Caught him on TW Sammie. Most fish caught shallow or on river flats. Crankbaits in a light color or TW seemed to do the trick. Sam did miss one nice one on a 13 inch jelly worm. He loves those big worms but always hooks up some good bass. Water was stained to clear. Temp about 71 - 73. Wind was incredible. At times we were blown upstream against a pretty good current. Incredible!! I like the fall but hate the wind!<br />I guess it only affects the emoAngler and not the emoFish LOL! Will post a pic of the LM