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Full Version: Looking for some Cutts
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I finally caught a tiger on the south fork so now I need to get myself a cutthroat and I need some help locating them. I would like to try either lost creek or the logan river and would like some advice on where to hit them. I live in Ogden and am willing to drive up to 1 1/2 hours. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Oh and by the way I think action on the south fork is heating up. Once again if I was good at fly fishing and had the right size flies I would have slayed them on Saturday. Sigh... lessons learned the hard way.
You may want to try the Weber where Lost Creek dumps into it. Also, maybe the Bear river in/near Evanston, Wy there are some nice cutts in there and it's not that far from Ogden. Good Luck. As for the Logan, I would try from Right Hand Fork and above, just look for any pockets outside of the rifles.
[quote ruppy22000]I finally caught a tiger on the south fork so now I need to get myself a cutthroat and I need some help locating them. I would like to try either lost creek or the logan river and would like some advice on where to hit them. I live in Ogden and am willing to drive up to 1 1/2 hours. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Oh and by the way I think action on the south fork is heating up. Once again if I was good at fly fishing and had the right size flies I would have slayed them on Saturday. Sigh... lessons learned the hard way.[/quote]

I caught some nice cuts out of the south fork of the Ogden today. Try a yellow humpy in the riffles, it slated them today.
Can't really say from personal experience - but I'd suggest your best bet on the Logan would be above 3rd dam. There's a spring/cave along the roadway (named...? Johnson???) - and once you pass that you get into some real nice stretches of river. By the time you pass the Tony Grove turnoff - and up by Redrocks (if you hit Beaver Mnt - you've gone too far). Just watch for skunks and mooses!

You might try stopping in at RoundRocks for some 'local' tips (by the BIG fishhook at the S. end of the Valley) - about 600 south. THEY'll know what and where for sure.

I'd think further down - between 1st/2nd/3rd dam you're more likely to find planter bows. But there's browns in there too. This one came from Idaho - but it's my best Cutt.
Now if it were STILLWATER, I can get you into some...[Wink]
I caught one last year on the Ogden. Up above the Oaks. It was tiny and im thinking it came down from the creek that comes out of wheeler Canyon because I know there little cutts in that creek. Also Have caught them at the North fork camp ground.. but again.. very small.
My favorite for cutts is the Logan above Temple fork, the stretch by Tony Grove turn off is easily accessable and has some great pockets holding good sized fish. Franklin Basin is a sure thing for 10 to 14 inch fish. Try using a size 8 or 10 double renegade or caddis (deer or elk), olive works well too.
Good Luck
Brown spawn just around the corner.
Off the top of my head I can't think of a stream in Northern Utah that doesn't have some cutts. If you aren't finding any move upstream.
Thanks everyone for your input. I guess what I gather most is that I just have to get higher on the streams. I figured I'd get into some cuts on the south fork but I haven't and haven't seen anyone else take any. But all estimates tell me they're there so perhaps I'll give that another shot since I am learning the holes and currents up there. Another question I have is could I find some brookies in the Causey tributaries? If so it will be very much worth the hike.
I have been catching mostly Browns on southfork and a couple Cutts. Try some of the smaller tribs like wheat grass all you will get is Cutts. I only know of 1 trib of the Ogden river drainage with Brookies it was a fun fishery but the willows were tough to get through I would tell you which one, but it is better if you earn it.
Lots of nice cutts in The Logan. I haven't been up there this year because of the high water, so I'm not sure what the current conditions are. The past few years I have done very well for them. Pocket water areas seem to do the best for me with the cutties. Here are some pics of some Logan River cutts I caught last fall. I'm sure conditions likely aren't too different this fall. Just be careful wading, it's a strong little river.[inline "cutt 7 small.JPG"][inline "cutt 6 small.JPG"][inline "cutt small 2.JPG"][inline "cutt 4 small.JPG"][inline "cutt 2 small.JPG"][inline "cutt small.JPG"][inline "cutt small l.JPG"]
Go to Little Dell. Dime a dozen, that is all you will probably get outta there!
Catch & release only and no bait or scent.
[quote flygoddess]Catch & release only and no bait or scent.[/quote]

No bait is true. However you can keep your limit of brook trout and browns, if you can find them. The cutts are protected though and are C&R.

I am sure this guy would have looked up the regs before venturing out and at the very least the member asking would have seen the numerous signs posted there that explain that.

Unless of course you were trying to remind me of the regs?
True, but he would have to go there and pay the $5. to find out it is C&R and he knows before he goes.