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Full Version: Addy at Bassapalouzza UL
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I took my wife and almost two year old daughter to UL. When I got to the spot i dropped my jig off the side of the boat and caught 2 right in a row. I knew this would be the day for a first fish.. She makes dad proud. I have a link for youtube

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That was great, thanks for sharing.
That is just too cute!
MAN! I LOVED THAT CLIP!! Brings back memories of my two daughters when they were little. Thanks for posting.
Awesome clip, way to get the kid into fishing early....
thats cool!
way rad. I dig this video. Brings back lots of great memories of my kids. Which part of UL?

rincon madness
Yea dad was pretty proud of her she loves it. We were fishing over by Sandy Beach
It's been a great year to get young'uns on fish! [Smile]

Good on ya for findings some so soon.

Thanks for sharing.