I guess they finally got around to finishing it. I'm going to hit it tonight and see if I can get the kids to hook into a stocker or two.
Here is the article from today's Post Register.
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It worked out perfect for me today. I had football practice with one of my boys this morning. I was planning on fishing part of the Teton, but the rain made me think otherwise. I saw on the news the grand opening of this new pond. I am on Harvest break and the students in Idaho Falls are in school so I new we would have a brief window of time when there wouldn't be too many people and the pond would be stocked.
The fishing was off the charts. 2000 fish in a 1 acre pond is like shooting the proverbial fish in a barrel. In two hours each of my kids caught and released well over 30 fish each. My older son was fly fishing and having a great time reeling them in. I knew it was time to go when they got tired of the fish and started digging in the dirt or playing with the worms.
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There were a lot of bannana trout they didn't like what I had to offer today. I saw several caught on panther martins.
We kept a few that did not want to be released (took the hook too deep). My kids practiced cleaning fish and then we cooked them in butter and spices. I wish I could say they were good, but they tasted like hatchery fish, imagine that.[

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All of the big ol' brood stock were released for some other lucky kid to catch.
Went last night but couldn't get one hooked for the kids for the life of me. That's not to say they weren't biting, I caught 5 itty bitties in the hour we were there and missed more than that. The kids were just having a hard time getting the hook set with all the distractions and wind.
I saw a 6 pounder pulled out by a little girl who didn't look like she'd ever been fishing in her life. Was cool stuff.
So many people though. I was expecting the volume off people there, I wasn't expecting them to be so condensed, which I'm blaming on the weeds they have fenced off.
I am sure the fishing was much tougher after the fish were harassed all day. I wonder how often they are going to stock that pond. They say they want to keep the catch rates up, but with that kind of pressure it will be fished out in a week.
Fun catches for your kids! It is great to see more urban fish ponds going in. Did they put a lower limit on it?
The limit is 6 . It should be 2 . It should be a place to fish , not a place to fill your freezer . Like Windriver said they are planters and don't taste very good . Curt G.
that is what I was thinking.... the limit should be 2
They defineately should lower the limit to two fish. There is just no reason to have a six fish limit. I had four kids there yesterday. If they had all taken their limit (and they easily could have) our family would have taken out 30 fish!!! We took home six small ones that we hooked too deep. That was plenty for all of us to have a meal.
I saw people taking home limits of those 4-6lb brood stock. It made me mad that they didn't let them go for kids to catch again. They were within the law so no foul, but I still didn't like it.
[quote windriver]If they had all taken their limit (and they easily could have) our family would have taken out 30 fish!!! ... I saw people taking home limits of those 4-6lb brood stock.[/quote]
And that's how those places get fished out in only one day.
Still, I suppose it's not their fault if they are merely taking advantage of IDF&G's lack of foresight.
Thanks for the pictures. Looks like your kids had a blast. I love taking young kids to the stocked ponds and letting them catch a few fish. I agree they should lower the limit, especially if they are going to keep stocking bigger fish in there. Some of those kids in the back ground look kinda old and ugly. I wish they would make it 14 years and younger only. I like to take my daughter to the trail creek pond near victor and it never fails there is some guy out there with a $1,000 dollar sage rod and reel in $400 dollar Simms waders catching little 8" planters. I ecspecially love the look on their face when the kids start out fishing them.[

I'm glad to see someones kids got to enjoy the hot fishing. I wanted to take my boys when I saw that it was opened but couldn't make it. I hope they keep it stocked because it would be nice to have a place close that the kids could catch fish easy. I wonder if the Fish and Game would change the limit if enough of us suggested it. I like the description of the guy at trail creek pond maghunter! I get a kick out of it when I see stuff like that. Kinda funny cause alot of times those guys in the $400 dollar waders at places like that don't even get a toe wet! Even when they catch a fish they will drag it onto the bank or dock and pull the hook and just toss it back in. Any way enough of that. Just glad to see another place close for familys to go. I need to get out again with my boys. It has been a couple of months since we have wet a line.
I love to see kids get a chance to catch nice fish, and I think that there ought to be a two fish limit on the ponds and some of the small reservoirs like Wiregrass, Crowthers, Hawkins, Crystal Springs, and so on, so that there are fish still there for the local kids. Otherwise they get fished out too fast.
It is good to see your boys taking care of their own catches. You're a great dad for both taking them and teaching them.
I agree with the idea of turning it into a kid fishing pond, or at least changing the limit to two. I drove past today to take a look at how many people were there on my way home, and it's a bit of a joke.
Either make it a much bigger pond, or lay down some restrictions. There were a bunch of people there lining the bank and an adult could practically cast to the other side of the pond!
I love the idea of taking my little boys there, but sure don't like the idea of fishing shoulder to shoulder with oodles of people to do it, I'd rather take a drive.
In the Post Register Thursday there was an article . The person in charge of the project said the number of fish won't be a problem . They want to keep the catch rate high and will stock accordingly . Curt G.
Drove down to the pond last night with the thought of letting my 6 yr old boy do some fishing.
He didn't want to fish, he said there are to many people dad.
What a friggin joke, and a waste of $.
The pond is a 5 minute drive and I will never fish it.
I would give up fishing before I fished under those conditions, people were shoulder to shoulder.
That place should be for 14 and under.
[quote michael44]Drove down to the pond last night with the thought of letting my 6 yr old boy do some fishing.
He didn't want to fish, he said there are to many people dad.
What a friggin joke, and a waste of $.
The pond is a 5 minute drive and I will never fish it.
I would give up fishing before I fished under those conditions, people were shoulder to shoulder.
That place should be for 14 and under.[/quote]
I drove past it on my way to utah friday and again on my way back on sunday and saw the same conditions you did and thought what a joke. I agree on the age restriction and they need to drop the limit down IMO. From what I was told That pond wont be the only one they do but its just a phase of a few going in down that way.