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Full Version: Antique Reel Info
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Was hoping some of you could help me out finding a legit appraiser of old fishing reels. Have four old fly and six old baitcasters sitting in a box in my garage that were my grandfathers and great grandfathers. Most of them still have the old line still on them, looks like black yarn. Not looking to get rid of them just maybe some info about them and approximate worth. Doesn't even have to be an appraiser if any of you are knowledgeable about old reels. Thanks for any help in advance.
Hey Firefish. Glad to see you're still around. I don't have too much knowledge of antique fishing gear so I couldn't help much other than giving some internet research tips.

You can add "forum" to the front of your search terms to find discussions about the item of interest. Make sure to dig deeper than just the first few results that come up in your search engine results.
Ebay can be good for finding information and values. If the reels don't have any names or model numbers on them, you can do an eBay or Google Image search of say "antique fly reel" or "vintage baitcaster". You may come across results with pictures that look like reels you have. The item descriptions or linked webpages will often have info that can steer you in the right direction.

As far as value, the active eBay listings will give you peoples' "asking prices". I always run a "completed listing" search as well to see what the item has actually sold for recently.

Good luck on your hunt for information.
I'm still around! Just haven't been posting because I don't need the BS I got the last time I posted about a trip without the pictures posted. Thanks for the info, I will definately give it a shot!