10-07-2011, 09:00 AM
Put in at Soddy Creek at day light and went crappie hunting, emoSmile I fished docks, bridges, blow downs, deep structure and submerged logs and stumps, (I covered it all, emoTongue ) It was a beautiful day to be out and the crappie cooperated somewhat, emoScratch Where are all the big ones, emoScratch I ended the day with 48 crappie and 1 little blue gill. Bait of the day was Bobby Garland shad ghost and some on blue ice, emoThumbsup It was a fun day with lots of bass fishermen practicing for the upcoming tourney, (they say there will be 150 boats out on Saturday, :o )<br />Water was 69* to 71* and lots of current around 10 - 11 o&#39;clock.