10-07-2011, 09:00 AM
Went out again this AM for the elusive crappie. Changed places to launch boat to catch some places have not been lately. First spot, someone bass fishing there...Second spot, guy sitting on the dock I want to fish. By now I am regretting going to get those biscuits for breakfast and being a few minutes late emoBang emoBang . 3rd spot produced a slab right off of the bat - about 1/8" short of a tarp. Caught another or two and went back to spot #2. Caught crappie after crappie and all were about 9" long. Left them biting and searched for bigger ones. 4th spot same thing - lots of little ones and went searching again. Went way up river to where I caught them yesterday - they were gone emoScratch emoScratch Wound up with 23 crappie and 2 bluegill. Only 9 keepers and of those only 5 were ones that were fry worthy. Boats were everywhere - I thought I was at Guntersville in the spring. Caught most in less than 8' of water but fished from 3'-18'. See ya on the water....Jim