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Full Version: 4 yr old pass
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Can't believe i'm going to post this.... but I passed on a really nice doe last night. She would have went 180+ lbs. She was 15 yards and I had her dead to rights.

The reason......

Large 8 point buck (prob her brother) in the bean field 70 yards out. (Is it gun season yet?) Didn't want to spook him so i let her walk past me. The trail camera has caught him cruising past the blind a few times now. Mostly at night but he's gettting earlier and earlier as the days go by. This is the first time I've seen him in person and not on cam. Gotta tell ya.... NICE!!!

The doe did finally circle around and winded me. She trotted off north of me and the buck disappeared back into the woods.

So no fresh venison in the freezer yet.. .but all in all a very exciting night.
me neither, one of the does I was looking at I found laying on side of the road this morning. Big round Belly. YUCK,.

must of tried crossing the road early last night. Bummer, hate to see them go to waist like that.