10-10-2011, 09:00 AM
Got out late afternoon with Jack. Had a lot to do in the morning including his driving lessons but after all the appts and chores we were able to hit the lake around 4pm and fish for 2 hours. No pictures since the action was pretty hot at times. Caught a lot of skipjacks which are a blast on a float and fly. Did not keep any but you cat fishermen need to get on the lake back in the coves and a lot of what is busting are skippies not bass. They are truly the TN Tarpons! Jump like crazy - lost quite a few. I had a big one grab my fly and pull the float down and when I pulled back the line broke and my float disappears - about 20 minutes later we spotted it and retrieved it with fly still attached but no fish! LOL! Jack said a surgeon fish removed the hook! Ha ha! Had a few whites and yellows and one bass. Good 2 hour trip.