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Went to fish lake today to give my 4 wheeler to Noble ( my grandson). He works at fish lake. After he got off we grabbed a boat and headed out. We only had bout an hour to fish as I had to get home and get ready to head to Idaho in the a.m. to watch another grandson play football( go bee's). Any how we got to what Noble called "cheese hole" and did ok. Boated 2 fat bows and a splake in about 45 minutes all on power bait. Fun stuff. He will eat well tonite. I have never fished there before, but rest assured I will be back.
NICE! Is Noble a guide at fish lake?
Don't know if he is considered a guide or not. He runs the boat rental marina in the summer, then does repairs and such after the peak season ends. he fishes the lake every day and passes the hot spots on to his customers so they will come back.
So are the boats still in the water at Fish Lake Lodge? I know that the Bowry has closed for the season? Thanks.
[cool][#0000ff]Looks like Noble dropped into a dream job. Easy to see he is enjoying it. Good on him.[/#0000ff]
yep the boats are still in the water. not sure how long they will be.