Fishing Forum

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I have recently aquired a good size of vintage fishing gear from my grandfather who passed. I have been an avid freshwater fisherman my whole life and never appreciated to the real history of fishing until recently. My paps left me lots of old lures and stuff which not only have I never seen but ever used. I was hoping to find out more about these lures and other things to gain a better understanding of this great sport.
I'm sorry about your "paps",I hope he found a good fishing hole,make him proud of the way you fish,patients is the key to our success,Patients is our greatest virtue,and one of our most challenging aspects in life Paulpro.I'm more than happy to help you out in your future needs,bass, carp,gar, catfish,and Lukinani, and I do my share of salt water fishing as well 25years XP,in both.Good luck.I hope you catch that world record bass.